Saturday, May 22, 2010

Micaela's Kindergarten Graduation 2010

Our beautiful daughter, Micaela Noelle Kocher
Graduated Kindergarten Friday May 21, 2010

Micaela's Class

The proud girl with her "Diploma"

Micaela singing in the program

Micaela shared her special day with cousin Jacob. He too graduated from Kindergarten.
The two cousins are only 9 weeks apart, and also share the same baptism date.
Very neat to be able to share such special events with family.

Jacob and Micaela

Mom, dad, and the proud girl

Our beautiful girl and her flowers from aunt Chalsey
Friday, family and friends gathered together for Micaela's Kindergarden Graduation.
Following the ceremony, everybody came out to the house for cake. "Aunt" Chalsey drove down from Estevan, and sister Ashleigh drove over from Williston.
It was very nice to share in Micaela's special day.
She recieved many nice cards, and gifts.
Thanks to everybody who thought of her. :)
Friday night, Kurt and Grant drove over to the lake to get the cabin ready for the summer. We girls, stayed home and enjoyed supper in the park, a fun cruise around in the convertable, and root beer floats.
Fun to just spend some quality time with the "girls."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Grant's Spring Concert and Fun at School Lunch

Grant's Spring concert was last Thursday night...

The Three Amigos...

Double Trouble

Getting ready to sing...

Grant loves to sing and dance, but when it comes to standing for long periods of time singing, he gets so bored..

Come on Grant.. Sing.. :)

Dont look so excited...

Kurt and I took Bethany to eat lunch at school yesterday with Grant and Micaela. It was Crispito day.. YUMMOOOO

Kurt shooting hoops with Grant at recess

Girls shooting hoops...
Everything is going well at the Kocher House Hold.
Kurt and I are working on our issues together at home, & we are hopeful that we can work through them.
Next week we have our annual dance recital in Estevan.. Wed, regular class, Thur lessons on stage, Fri dress rehearsal, and Saturday the big show...
Happy May Everybody. Sun is out, weather is nice.. What more could we ask for? :)


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