Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Holidays!!!!!!

Merry Christmas from Anjelika, Ralph and Kids...

Merry Christmas from Kurt, Sandra and Kids....

Kids playing their new Wii

Mom Christmas morning

Ralph's new shirt

Mom's new grill pan

Kids new WII

Mom reading "The Night Before Christmas" to the kids before we open presents.. Bellies all full of pizza

Ralph Opening his pjs

Mom get slippers

Bethany got a Pinkaliscious doll and book, pj's, chocolates, walking kitty and cell phone walkie-talkies.

Micaela got a new outfit and hat, sketchers light up shoes, pjs, chocolates, kid texters, and a snuggy.

Grant got a bible, which he loved more than anything, a basket for his bike, the Karati kid movie, pj's, wii feasants forever hunting game, and foot ball chocolates.

Making pizzas before we get to open our presents... Micaela was even a bit creative and put green olives on her pizza this year..

Making Cookies for Santa Claus

Our second annual trip to See Santa and Mrs. Claus at the North Pole..

Ralph and I took the kids to see the dance performance of the Nutcracker in Williston

Making Ginger Bread Houses with the kids

The kids seeing Santa at the bank

Kurt, Sandra, Tyler, the kids and I at the kids' Christmas concert

Happy Holidays Everyone..

Christmas went way better than I could have ever imagined. It was nice that Kurt, Sandra, Ralph and I could all come together and be family for the kids.

Christmas started out on the 23rd for us. It was our 2nd annual pizza and presents, and the kids had a blast making their own pizza and opening their presents from Ralph and I.

Christmas Eve morning Santa arrived and brought the children a Wii, so there was much excitment in the house. 3:00 Kurt, Sandy, and Tyler arrived to have gift opening with us, and then we all went to Church as a family. It is very important for us that our children know that just because mom and dad are no longer married, that there is still peace and friendship among us all. I am so very thankful for the stong bond that Kurt and I have, as well as, how nice Sandy and Tyler are. Without their willingness to be close as well, things would not be near as great.

The kids went with Kurt to Grandma Barb's for Christmas Eve, and once again got to wake up Christmas morning with yet more presents from Santa. We explained to the kids that because they have two homes, Santa is nice and delivers to Mom's house on the 23rd and dad's house on the the 24th. The kids didn't mind in the least..

Santa brought Micaela clothes and a microphone, an ipod for Bethany, and Grant got a bow and arrow..

Christmas Day my family came over and we had a huge feast and more presents....

Christmas was so special this year. I thought it would be depressing, but it went well, and I am so thankful for my loving Ralph and great family.. Thank you everybody..



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