My basement before the paint

Basement after paint and my new couch
Winter seems to be draggggggggiiiiiiinnnnnnngggggggggggg on... What is most annoying about the whole winter is the fact that lately we will have a day or 2 of 30 degrees and than BAM a week or two of negative numbers.. It is getting so old. Not to mention the amount of sickness that has been going around this winter. We have had two different "flu" like sicknesses go through our house. Both with high fever, cough, and stomach cramps. Oh ya cant forget vomiting. Micaela pucked in the van yesterday while I was in the store getting her Motrin for her 103 temp. Funny thing was when I got into the van, she was so happy to have pucked because she felt 100 times better. I on the other hand didn't really enjoy cleaning it up.. lol
Snow, let's talk snow. If we get any more snow the town of Crosby is going to be under water when it melts. SNOW SNOW SNOW.. Could we possibly get any more snow??? DONT ANSWER THAT!!
So Ive gained like a billion pounds this winter and feel like crap. My mind is good, and I am happy, and healthy, but man this winter either has me extra hungry or extra bored with all of the snow and cold. I have really fallen off of the wagen, and my attempt at getting back to the gym was haltered because of my fall down the stairs in January. I don't think it will be long before I can get back, but it isn't going to be this month!!! Please mother nature, bring us some warm air... You know the warm air that you tease us with every now and then... :)
So this week I started working on the basement. The basement itself was built in I believe 1947. The Anderson's lived in the basement until 1952 when the rest of the house was built. It then was used as an apartment in the 1970's becomming home to John and Elaine Andrist.. So the basement is set up as an apartment. It has a family room, bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. Well the walls, and COLD tile flooring are the originals of the 1947 basement. NEED I say more? So it is cold down there. Never really gets any warmer than 68 if we are lucky, and that is with the heat cranked to 75 upstairs and the space heater on turbo down there. So I applied for a weatherization Grant and they are comming to do a bit of insulating on not just the basement but the rest of the house as well. I am happy to report that the basement is getting all new windows. Thank the LORD!!! It never got any warmer than 55 down there, but after I put plastic on them it rose 10 degrees. I am praying for another 10 degree rise.. lol
So anyhow, I got a new couch, and decided that the basement had to become "living" space for this family. Our living room upstairs is small, and doesn't really accomidate the Wii the kids got for Christmas. SO... The basement is a work in progress. I got the living room all painted, with the exception of the ceiling, which I am dreading for fear that it might just fall on the floor. Oh ya, forgot to mention that that is original as well. Oh what I would love to be able to take a sledge hammer to the basement and put new floor, new walls, and new ceiling, but with limited funds we do with what we have got. So this year Ive decided that "Mr. Tax return" is going to help fund the "Operation Basement" fund. We are getting new carpet in the family room, bedroom, hall, and stairwell in basement. I ideally would rather get new carpet and lino upstairs, but the space down stairs is nice, and we really need to start using it.
So as I type I am covered in white paint, because for me, painting is a full body sport. While it may appear that my body gets more than the walls, I can assure you the walls looks great, and the floor isn't flooded with paint. Though I am pretty sure that in this basement anything is better than that ugly green 1950's flooring.. lol
Ok, so that is my home improvement project. Now to wait for the weatherization people. I am so tierd of having no front door. Oh ya, maybe I should mention that there is no insulation in the front entry of my house, therefore I have had to plastic my door entry shut, and people have to enter the house via garage. Well that would be fine and all except to enter the garage the garage has to be open, because there is no garage door next to the garage opening. Ok, so I can deal with leaving the garage open, but did I mention that the door entering the house enters into my bedroom. Ya, so I caught myself today telling the kids to put their gloves in the back entry, when really IT IS THE MASTER BEDROOM.. Stranger yet is the fact that there is a stackable washer and driver in my bedroom right next to my bed. Who needs a night stand when you have one built in.. Crazy I know..
The rest of my house and life seem to be comming along. I am only going to my councellor on a as needed basis now, because I have come to terms with my life and what has happened, and am looking forward rather than backward. I feel rather happy, with the exception of my weight, but just ordered the 17 day diet, so am praying that will help me get these extra pounds off.
The kids are good. Well they are good when they aren't sick, which isn't often. Grant just took his dance exam last week, so we are hoping he passes so he can continue on in Jazz and move up to the next level. Micaela is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her luau birthday party in march, so that should be fun. We are thinking warm, and praying we don't get a spring blizzard.. hehe Bethany is really really enjoying cooking and loves to help me in the kitchen. Man she gets excited to help me stir the pot or make supper. Sweet heart... Ralph and I are still dating. He lives in Kenmare so with the weather and his traveling for his job we don't see each other as often as we like, but for now it is working out nice. He says he has surprises for Valentines Day, so I am excited. NOW NOW, not those kind of surprises. Not getting married again till I am 40.. lol Marriage is too over rated.. lol
So anyhow, it is midnight and I am rambling. I am home alone, and have a ton of energy. Perhaps it is because this time last night I was holding Micaela and singing to her in hopes that her 103 fever would drop, or the fact that I just dont sleep well when I am alone. Who knows? Anyhow, time for bed.
Dear Lord, please bring sunshine and quickly change the seasons from winter to spring to summer rather quickly..
Thanks Lord