I would say Happy Spring everybody, but as most everyone knows, it hasn't been spring in any way shape or form here in North Western North Dakota. With over a foot of snow raising havoc on all of our lives, causing no power, or water... It is time to Kick Old Man Winter in the A**... Come on now, laugh, that was funny. hahaha
While the snow was nothing pleasant, it will make memories of the worst storm ever for our children. Micaela was at the Prairie Tumble Weed's gymnastics sleep over when the storm hit. The slumber party was supposed to go from 8:00 p.m. Friday night until 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning. Needless to say we didn't see poor Micaela until after supper Saturday when somebody was finally able to trample the snow in a 4 wheel drive to get the kids home. Pretty sad that 20 some kids were all stranded and most lived here in Crosby. Let me tell you, it is a very hopeless feeling to live mere blocks from where your child is at, but can not get to them. L
Grant on the other hand was in Noonan at a friend's birthday sleep over. His very first time being way from home overnight. The poor kid was so exhausted from a fun filled "sleep over," of course we all know there is no sleep involved in a sleep over right? Haha So he was tired, anxious about being away from home, and sick feeling because it was storming and he wasn’t with his family. The plot thickens for Grant as when the snow stopped the family he was staying with attempted to get him home and went off the road into the snow. Grant found it quite exciting/scary to have a policeman drive him to the closest cleared off road, and then walk him a half block to our door. What excitement. The kid was never so happy to see me. lol
While both Grant and Micaela were struck at their slumber parties, Ralph, Bethany and I had our own fun without power or water. We made it a party of sorts doing things like making hot dog kabobs and cooking them over candlelight or making easy mac with only a candle. Yes it may have taken 2 hrs to make, but it can be done. Lol Honestly we spent most of the day all curled up in bed. It was nice for a while that Bethany was able to watch movies on the computer, but as soon as the battery went dead that was the end of that. I tell you what, I can honestly say that Saturday was by far the longest day of my life. Worrying about kids, dealing with no heat or power… Bedtime did not come fast enough.
I do have to say, I can be pioneer woman with no power just fine thinking of ingenious things to do etc, but I cannot live without water. Power yes, I can deal with that, but I am a woman who needs to shower, and that is that!!!!! When I told the kids that they had to wash their hands from the toilet tank, they all thought it was disgusting and gross, but I explained to them that t was clean water, and perfectly fine. I honestly had to convince myself of that as I ever so hesitantly took a sponge bath from that exact toilet tank.. hahaha
The kids all slept downstairs all bundled up in their warmest PJ’s and sweats. For as cold as it got, the kids slept all night, and even slept in the next morning. Waking up to a cold 52 degrees was a bit on the chilly side, but we made the most of it. For those whom know me, I cannot stand to be cold. If I am cold, the whole word is coming to an end. My body just shuts down. burrr
With the snow stopped and wind gone, Sunday morning looked to give us hope as there was sun in the sky. My savior Ralph, whom I am so grateful was with me this weekend, was an angle and shoved for 4hrs to get us out of the driveway. With the plows running all night, we thought it might be safe to attempt to travel to Sorums to get propane for the BBQ grill. Really all I wanted to do was boil some water to do dishes, melt some water for the toilet, and attempt a warm meal for the kids. Unfortunately there were people lined up down the street with gas cans and propane bottles. I knew then we had to get out of town. It felt like the world was coming to an end. We packed the kids up and went to Kenmare to Ralph’s apt. Thank goodness he has a roomy apt with heat, power, and WATER!!!! We took the kids out to eat, and to a movie. It was so fantastic.
School was cancelled on Monday so the kids and I went to Minot to get Micaela’s pictures taken. We did a bit of shopping and ate a good lunch before heading back to Crosby. Water was on, power was on, and things seemed to be looking up. Unfortunately as I type I am home alone without Ralph or the kids, and am sitting in the dark as the power is out again.
Just cant make this stuff up. This has been a heck of a winter, and this May snowstorm is something that I will absolutely never ever forget. Though I will say there was one good thing that came of all of it, my fridge and freezer got cleaned out. Haha All of the food in my fridge spoiled and made a heck of a mess. Nothing like opening your freezer to find what looks like the giant slime monster from Ghost Busters smeared all over. That’s right Popsicles and ice cream melted all over. Add that to the smell of unthawed fish, and you have a recipe for true yuk…
While I want to say it is time to put away the shovels, with as crazy as things have been around here, I may just keep them right smack next to the door until June. :)
I will post the storm pictures when I get them loaded...