The kids are now out of school. I don't know why it is that every year I have this crazy idea we are going to have a layed back summer. Just got the kids' t ball / baseball schedules, and it is run run run until mid July. Then starts swimming lessons, and bible school etc. etc. Hard to even find a week to escape.. lol
Right now I am just in the process of organizing my life. Kurt and I are now sharing the kids 7 full days on and 7 full days off, so it has been quiet with no kids, as oposed to last summer where I still had them every day, and Kurt only took them in the evenings. Wow that was a run on.. haha It is nice that Sandy has been a good step mom and has agreed to keep the kids while Kurt works.
Yard is done, flowers are planted, and only minor things to be done outside. My biggest achievement would be restoring the old pond/waterfall in the back yard. Kids and I dug out all of the dirt and got the pond going. I have a problem with the hose leaking, but all in all the water fall works, and it is lovely. I would love to one day landscape the whole area around it, but all in good time. Money you know.. Can't ever have enough of that. :)
The kids had their annual dance recital last weekend, and as always, did a fantastic job. Each year the kids amaze me a bit more. I am so proud of them!!!!!!
I am still batteling the water in the basement. A week ago I opened the cellar door only to find a good 2ft plus of water. Here I had been so lucky in telling people that I didn't have water, when really I had water the whole time. Thank goodness my basement is dry and I have the sump pump working round the clock to assure the water doesn't seep into the basement. It has however caused a lot of stress and grief for me. ugggg
Summer although just starting, is proving to be somewhat of a struggle for me this year. Last year I had no house payment nor van payment and this year I have both. Tough when there is no income comming in for the three summer months. Really making me wonder if maybe it is time to really consider a full time job. I love my preschool more than anything, but it is getting tougher and tougher to live off of. Honestly preschool has always been somewhat of a hobby for me. I got to do what I loved teach, and it made no difference if it came with a paycheck. Sadely now, it is my only source of income. :(
This summer to make a bit extra money, I am going to be babysitting part time. I would rather not be watching kids while mine are with Kurt, but if anybody should need a sitter here or there, feel free to call. :)
So needless to say I think we will be staying close to home this summer. I do have a bit saved up for this and that, but there aren't going to be an woohoo trips etc.
If there is anything that I have learned about from this whole divorce stuggle, is that sometimes you just have to be happy with what you have instead of constantly wanting more more more, and better better better. One step at a time, one thing at a time, and stuff doesn't make you better....
Really it can be best said that "When the going gets tough, The TOUGH get GOING!"
Happy Summer!!!