Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Autumn Greetings

While I am not exactly sure how we went from 90 degrees one day to a high of 30 the next, all I can say is, this North Dakota weather is for the birds!!!!!!! As you all know, we hardley had a warm day this summer, and then BAM we get a couple of weeks of our "September Summer." These nice days of 90 degrees really spoiled us. Leave it to good old Mother Nature to pull a quick one and send us this fridged artic air... BURRRRRRRR

While I know that my weight loss of 140lbs over the past 3.5 years may sound wonderful, I will say that my warm liner is gone as well. I went from not wearing a jacket in below temps, and even breaking a sweat, to down right freezing. Please lord, help warm me up. lol

October has been a busy month. We winterized the caben for winter, which mind you Kurt did the night before it snowed. Had our annual Kocher family rummage sale, which in my opinion was way more work than the $400 it made. Traveled to Bismarck to Papa's Pumkin Patch, where the kids had an absolute blast, and mom froze her rump off, and now Kurt will partake in a fun filled phaesant hunting weekend with his dad, and two brothers Dale and Kenneth. Dale travels from Minneapolis, and Kenneth from Indianapolis, so this is quite a fun weekend. Grant is now old enough to enjoy the thrill of hunting, so Kurt bought him a hunting vest, and took him out tonight. Never have I seen Grant "light up" as much as he did tonight. So exciting for him.

I should also mention that we will be celebrating Kurt's birthday this Friday. As always I will be making him the same old angel food cake with blue frosting. Funny how as a child his mother made that very cake for him, and he has wanted it ever since. :)

While in Bismarck at the Pumpkin Patch, we took the kids shopping for new winter coats, and boots. Had to put that hard working rummage sale money to use. Cant forget to mention that we also took the kids shopping for Halloween costumes. Of course, I wanted to go as the entire Scooby Doo clan, but Grant has his heart set on being a Star Wars Trooper, so I caved and let the kids pick this year. Micaela will be a pumpkin princess, and Bethany a fairy. Kurt has decided to go as Darth Vador, and as for me, I think I will go as "Me." With the cold weather, I will probably be bundled up. hmmm, maybe I will go as a snow princess. hahaha

School is going well aside from the fact that I have 9 boys and 3 girls in my afternoon session. Those boys are wild. If anybody has a good strategy on how to deal with such a brude, please let me know. Kurt on the other hand is approaching his busy session, so is starting to go into work around 5:00 a.m. I have so enjoyed having him home on Fridays, but I know that is soon to come to and end. sniff, sniff... I am so thankful that all of the kids are at ages that caring and being a single mother to them is much easier now. :)

Micaela is doing awsome in Kindergarten, and Grant is doing equally as well in the 1st grade. We are so proud of him. He is adding and subtracting. Such a milestone. Did I mention that he can now tie his shoes? Took forever. Thank you Ms. Foss. :) Bethany is growing and changing every day. One day my baby, and the next my big girl. Been hard letting the "baby" go, but it has to be done. She will celebrate her 4th bday on November 8th, so we are in the planning stages. You will want to stay tuned for those pictures. She has been asking about her party for 6 months.

Well, I hope you are all up to date. I am going to post some pictures this week, so check back. Been so darn busy that I do what I can, when I can.

Happy Autumn, or should I say Winter????

Love the Kochers. :)

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