Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bethany's 4th bday

Today my "baby" Bethany turned 4.
It really is hard to believe that it has been 4 years, since we brought her home.
Believe it or not, but we still have the "It's a girl" poster hanging above her bedroom door.
Boy how time flys.......

Bethany had a huge party with family, friends, and her classmates from preschool. It was an awsome party....

Eating cake on the deck on November 8th. Told you it was an awsome day....

Pin the Tale on the Donkey. Go Grant!

Bethany's classmates

Chef apron from Grandma Barb and Grandpa Wes

Leap Frog gift from Nana and Grandpa

Gift from Mom and Dad

The excited birthday girl

Really exicted about her Dora Back pack gift

Super excited to get money...

Pinata Time

Candy time..
My kids had no idea that I took candy from each of their Halloween candy bags to fill the pinata. I filled the entire pinta, and they couldn't even tell. haha
To view more pictures of Bethany's party, you can visit me on facebook. :)

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