Sunday, January 13, 2013

~~ We are Back~~

After a one year vacation from blogging, WE ARE BACK!!!!! Many Many things have happnened since our last blog entry in November 2011. For starters, my neck/protruding disks did improve and I was able to start living life again. There are moments when they act up, but for now things are quiet. In April the kids and I took a Disney World Vacation. Priceless memories, and great times. I have to give myself credit as a single mother of 3 taking on such a big adventure. Things went great, and I can see us going on other trips in the future. :) In May Ralph and I found out we were expecting a baby. I think back to May, and January seemed so far off for a baby. With less than 8 sleeps to go, all I can say is time has gone REALLY FAST.. Baby is due January 23rd via c-section. Oh, and yes, we are HAVING A BOY!!!!! We had a great summer, filled with fun in the sun at the cabin, and our usual trips to water parks etc. Of course, summer went fast and that lead us right into the fun of school and activities. We are still a RUN RUN RUN, GO GO GO family, so it will be interesting to see just much this baby slows us down, or slows me down. I have continued to teach preschool and am almost to the end. Has it been easy? No, but with one last week of teaching, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The kids have been so intrigued with my growing belly, and the fact that there is a baby in my tummy. I know I am going to have 26 very excited preschoolers when the baby comes.. The plan for now is to take 6-8 weeks off, and then I have a sitter lined up to watch the baby March, April and May. Never had to work, nor worry about babysitters/day care with my other three kids, so this is a whole new experience. With as happy as I am about having a sitter to end the school year, having a sitter next fall could prove to be tricky. I guess we will just wait and see what happens. It is my goal to update the blog alot more frequently, so please be checking back.. Next post will be after the baby is born... Can't wait to share pictures/stories etc. Until then... Anjelika & Family

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