Sunday, April 26, 2009

Heading to Bismarck

Well today is the day we head to Bismarck for my Endocrinology apt. Talked to the nurse on Friday, and it turns out, this is nothing other than a consult. UGGGG I was so hoping to just have them biopsied, so I knew exactly what was going on. Anyhow, I am hoping all goes well with the consult, and things will be ok...

Yesterday, I took the kids to Williston to the street fair. Kurt had meetings in Minot, so this was a fun escape. After the fair, the kids and I got a bucket of chicken and headed to the caben for a picnik. The snow is all melted, and the lake looks beautiful. The water has really come up. Can't wait for summer. The kids were so disappointed when we left.

Here are a few pics of the kid and the new bikes they got last weekend.



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