Thursday, April 23, 2009

6lb loss

About a month ago, while at my regualar yearly pap, my doctor found some lumps in my thyroid. An ultrasound confirmed several lumps on the right portion of the thyroid, and 3 lumps on the middle portion of they thyroid. I felt absolutely nothing before going to the doctor, and now I am pretty much on the soup diet. Things just don't want to pass down my throat. I have gone from 177 to 171. That is a 6 lb loss this month eating soup. Perhaps the soup diet is the way to go. lol

Anyhow, I am scheduled to see the endocrinologist this Monday, so I am hoping they will just biopsy them right then and there, and not keep me hanging. I have tried being optomistic as the web says 90% of all thyroid nodules are benign. Please say a prayer that they are. :)


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