Friday, May 1, 2009

Back to the ER

Well I thought that after a nice quiet and relaxing day at home, I was going to be ok. Other than feeling tierd, I was pretty much convinced that yesterday mornings episode was a one time deal. It wasn't until 10:00 last night that I had another attack. This time, we drove straight to the ER in Williston. FYI, you don't want to hit a porcupine while driving 90....

After several tests, Xrays, and a CT can, the doctor concluded that I have Pleuritis. Pleuritis is the inflammation of the linings around the lungs. They put me on some powerful antinflamitory drugs, and Ativan to help with the panick of the attack. While these attacks can be very scary and produce heart attack/lung attack symptions, the doctor assured me that the condition isn't life threatening, and should go away. Hard to say whether or not I will have another attack, but atleast I know now that I don't have to rush to the ER.

Thanks for all of the nice words of concern that I have heard around town, and the prayers. I assure you that I am going to be just fine, it will just take some time.

Thanks again

You can visit the following website to learn more about Pleurtis:

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