Sunday, May 3, 2009

Very enjoyable weekend

Kurt & the kids just got home from Devils Lake, so my days of rest are no more. :) While it was very nice to lounge around and get caught up on housework, hearing the excitment in my kids' voices as they ran through the house yelling my name just made me so glad to have them home.

I am feeling better, and feel that the antinflamitory pills have done their job. Thank goodness for that extra bit of rest I got over the weekend.

We have project after project to get done before the 4th of June when I go in for my surgery. There is that dreaded thought of getting things ready for my spring garage sale, getting the house up to snuff for Grant's kindergarten graduation party, and the endless extra tasks to get ready for the kids' dance recital on May 30th. We have pictures, we have lessons on stage, we have dress rehearsal. It is going to be a busy month for dance, but the kids love it, and its the thrill of watching them perform on stage that just makes it all worth while.

If anybody is interested in checking out Dr. Becker's web site, they can click on the following link.

Once at his site, click on abdominal plasty, or body lift. This will kind of give you an idea of what I am going to have done.

The weather is beautiful, and spring is really here!!!! Gosh, that means its time to get outside and get those chores done!!!

Always something. :)

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