Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Life is Good

Things have been pretty uneventful around here the past few days. The weather has been nice, so the kids have been outside, and I have just been taking it easy. I started back to the gym last night after a 3 week break, and it was a lot harder getting back into it, then I thought. 3 weeks isn't very long, but when you body goes from exercising 1.5hrs a day 5 days a week to nothing, it gets a bit mad.... Trust me, I know. My legs were like Jello last night. Frustrating having to start over, but got to do, what we got to do. :)

Kurt was ever so nice to pick up a new swing set for the kids. We opted for the 8 station set that has 2 swims, glider, seasaw, stand up swing, and slide. Kids were very excited, and have been playing on it ever since. :) Thanks daddy!

The craziness of dance is now in full swing.The kids' recital is May 30th, and there is so much to do before then. We have pictures, lessons on stage, dress rehearsal, etc, etc. The list goes on, and on. It is a good thing the kids love it like they, because if they didn't, we would be "out of there. "

Kurt keeps asking me what I want for Mother's day, but I am so undecided. I thought perhaps a new recliner for the bedroom might be nice, since I won't be able to lie flat after my surgery, but there wasn't anything in town that really impressed me. Usually Kurt gets me something really nice, and then he takes the kids up town to buy my trinkety things that they pick out. They just think it is so fun, and I love all of my "fun" little treasures.

Well, life is good, and I have no complaints, so with that, I think I will sign off.

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