Wednesday, July 29, 2009

8 Awsome years!!!

Alot has happened over the course of the last 8 years. I have three beautiful children, a nice home, a good job, and of course a great husband. Yesterday Kurt and I celebrated 8 wonderful years of marriage. We escaped to Minot for our first date since my surgery, which was 8 weeks ago.

Although not the most romantic of get aways for our anniversary, it was a nice quiet, quality day of just Kurt & I. We did fun things at the fair like eating food from all of the different food places. Who knew deep fried Oreos could taste so good, or prayline dipped sunflower seeds, We also stopped at a booth and had a charictature drawn of ourselves. It was rather humerous. lol We ended the evening with supper at Ruby Tuesdays. Kurt had the 12oz Ribeye, and I had the grilled tilapia with cajun spices. It was so nice to be able to eat at a restaurant and not have to run to the bathroom, or clean up kid messes. It really was nice.

In 2011, Kurt I I will be celebrating our 10yr anniversary. We have made it our goal to renew our vowes with our very closest friends in Hawaii. This gives us 2 years to save and plan. While two years may sound like a long time, I have a feeling it will be here before we both know it. Lord knows, it is hard to believe that I have been done with college and back in Crosby for 8yrs now. Man, time flys when you are having fun. lol

Yesterday also marked 8 weeks post op for my surgery. While the scale still shows a shocking 180, I have decided it is best to ignore that until all of the fluid and swelling go down. Could take months. So frustrating.

Tomorrow, I return once again to Williston to have Dr. Kemp drain the pouch of fluid off of my back. Our family is leaving for the Dells on Friday for 10days, so hopefully I will be able to make it the full 10days without having to have it drained. I am so looking forward to "escaping" with the family. We are going to head to Aberdeen, SD and take in Story Book Land, then head to my dad's in Lacross, Wi, then straight to the Dells to camp at Yogy Bear. Should be fun. The kids are really excited. Kurt and the kids are outside, as I speak, getting the old camper ready.

Was just informed that the mother board is gone in my lap top, so will have to wait until the computer guy can get a new one before I have my pictures back. If there is one thing that I have learned, it is back up all of your important pictures etc, because you never know when your computer can crash. uggg

Well, life is good, and the family is great. Wish us well on our vacation.

The Kochers

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