Monday, September 7, 2009

3 months post op

3 months post op front

3 months post op left side

3 month post op right side.

Notice there is still a buldge from where the fluid was built up. It is now full of scar tissue that with regular massage should hopefully go away. If not, I will have to have a revision.

Back side

After enduring 3 very long months, I can honestly say I think I am at the tail end of my recovery. I am still experiencing muscle pain tight in my ab area as well as in my butt, but other than that my body is healing nicely. I hope to start back at the gym tomorrow, so wish me luck.

My emotions, on the other hand, are still touchy. While nothing has changed on the inside, people have this misconception that because I can now wear a pair of jeans, I must be a total selfish "bitch" or something. This has really hurt me, and has made me realize true friends and family. My daughter has since called me selfish, and my sister thinks that I am consumed in my vanity, and therefore neither will not speak to me. This really hurts......

Since when is it being selfish when you, for once in your life, take care of yourself instead of others?????

I am still the same kind hearted Anjelika. A person whom goes the extra mile to make you smile. Am I more confident? Yes.... Just because I no longer have to wear jogging pants 24/7 doesn't mean I have changed... My plastic surgon has said, "Your outer beauty has changed, not your inner beauty, therefore, keep your head raised high and confident, and let yourself shine." Nothing wrong with being beautiful inside and out.

I have not shared my pictures and story of weight loss and plastic surgery as a way to brag. I have instead done it as a way to encourage others, whom may have lived their lives trapped in an obese body, to break free and find their outer beauty. It took me 25 years of being miserable in my own skin to realize that I was better than that, so again if this is selfish, I am sorry.....

Thank you to all of the people that have stood by my side and have been there for me. So many times I have broken down, and it has been nice having those real friends and family that have told me to ignore the negative and move on... Thank you..

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