Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Count Down Is On

Hi everbody...
The count down is on. Preschool starts this comming Thursday.

After 3 full weeks of preparations, I can finally say, "I AM READY!!!!!!" Hurray!
Preschool open house is this Tuesday. I have 24 students. 12 in the morning, and in the afternoon, so it really is going to be an exciting year. Did I mention busy? lol

This year's Open House theme is "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom." It is going to be a lot of fun. The kids are going to be doing some fun activites, as well as, making chicka chicka treats. I can't wait. :)

Aside from getting ready for preschool, Bethany and I have been busy keeping the house clean. Now that Micaela has gone away to kindergarten, Bethany has been quite lost. The 1st two weeks of school, poor Bethany walked around hooked to my leg. She just kept saying, "I dont have anybody to play with me." She quickely became my little helper and honestly really enjoys helping me around the house. Too cute. I will say though, getting Dexter the cat has really helped. That cat lets her tote it around everywhere, and is now her best friend. :) Grant and Micaela also got their own kittens. Theirs however have to sleep and live in the barn. Grant named his Micaela Jackson and Micaela named hers Miley. Kids are just too cute.

Bethany and I went to our very 1st play group. Chrissy G, our new pastor's wife, started a play group for kids and parents in the community. It was nice to get out of the house and let Bethany play. Chrissy is a nice gal, and her husband is doing a very nice job in the church. Sure hope they stick around for a while.

This was my first week back to the gym. I have to say, it wasn't near as hard as I thought it was going to be. While I wasn't able to jump back on the elliptical for 20 min, like I have in the past, I started slow and am working my way up. I did 10 today, so that is a good sign.

Life is good, the kids are doing awsome in school, and well, we all couldn't be happier. :)

Happy Harvest Everyone. :)

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