Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Preschool Open House

Mrs. Kocher all ready for the big Night

Dad and Bethany working on the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Art

Last night was the big night. Who knew it would get to an astonishing 92 for a high yesterday. Yes I did say 92.
Now for those of you who don't know, there is NO air in the church..... You put 12+ adults in a small classroom and 12 very excitable students, and it is HOT!!!!!!
The evening was very successfull, but after getting home close to 11. I was beat. So awsome to get so much enthusiasm from the parents, and to see how happy the kids are, just makes it all worth my time. :)
This year I will have 12 young 3 year olds in the morning, and will have 12 4-5 year olds in the afternoon. Going to keep me on my toes, that is forsure. :)
Fun all starts tomorrow with the 1st day of school. Wish me luck......
Mrs. Kocher :)

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