Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving from the Kochers

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Tomorrow's big turkey feast gets underway at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon. Mom, Les, Heidi, & Jacob are our only guests tomorrow, so it will be a quiet family gathering.

In the 8 years that I have been married, not once have we gone any place for Thanksgiving. I think next year, we may just take a break, and head to Devils Lake to see Kurt's Mom. Don't get me wrong, I love hosting the big event, but whether 5 guests or 50 it is a lot of work. Bethany was such a good helper today. She sat at the counter all afternoon while we prepared the stuffing, got the green bean casserol made, prepared the sweet potatoes, made two salads, and made homemade pumpkin cookies.

I am just now sitting down for a minute before I have to prepare supper for tonight. :) The kids are running around the house helping. Micaela is sweeping, Grant is vacuming, and Bethany is bossing everybody around. haha

I am proud to say that my Christmas cards are done, and I will be mailing them out next week. I am on top of it this year. :) Now for the Christmas decorations. uggg :)

Happy Thanksgiving from the Kochers :)

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