He had his school play the day before, and was showing me how the pilgrims shot wild turkeys.
Our oven would only hold the one 23lb Butterball we had, so Kurt decided to BBQ one as well.
I was a little leary of the idea at first, but it turned out so awsome!
It was glazed with a spicy turkey rub. So Yummy!
Anjelika getting the buffet ready for the family
Grant, Micaela, Bethany and Jacob all ready to eat

Heidi and Jacob
Nana & Grandpa
Heidi and Jacob
This year, we had a very nice quiet "drama" free Thanksgiving.
It was so nice to come together, eat as a family, and enjoy each other's company without all of the extra drama that on occasion graces our table.
If there is one thing that I learned this year about what I am thankful for, it is the power of family.
Having grown up in what I always felt was some what of a "messed" up family, I now realize is
the only family I have.
the only family I have.
You really have to just embrace what you do have. Yes Mom, and Les are a little off their rocker, and Heidi isn't exactly Mother Teresa, but they are mine/ours, and we love them to bits. As for the family with whom we don't see, we can only hope & pray that their thanksgivings were as special as ours, and that they realize the true meaning of Thanksgiving.
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