Tuesday, January 12, 2010

lipo and 7 month post op pictures

Right side before lipo
Right side after lipo.. Same day pictures

7 month post op front

Right side.. See the buldge

perfect left side

Back side
Today was the day for my Lipo.
I think I did pretty darn well since it is done while I was awake. Kurt was able to watch the whole entire thing, and was really amazed at how they do it.
It is just as rough and scary looking as you see it on tv. Only on tv you get to be put to sleep..
Step one make the incision and insert saline and numbing medicine
Step 2 insert long needle probe with very sharp points.
This is used to scrape all around the area and break up the fat.
Step 3 he sucks it out.
I have stiches under the bandaids that I will have removed next week, and then I will travel back to Bismarck for another follow up procedure.
Dr. Becker says it takes a good month or so to see the results.
That's all for now.. :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ice Fishing Weekend

Grant had the absolute best weekend.
Kurt and him headed over to Devils Lake to so some ice fishing with Grandpa Jerry, "Kurt's step dad."
Kurt chose to fish outside, but Jerry and Grant stayed warm in the fish house

Grant perched over his hole patiently awaiting his "big catch."

The smiling little fisherman

Grant and Grandpa
Grant is our little fisherman. Weekends at the cabin are spent on the dock fishing. From the moment he wakes up in the morning, until bedtime, fishing is where you can find him.
This was a whole new experience for him, and something to remember forever.
A special thank you to Jerry for fishing when it was barely above freezing. It got to be along day with only three fish, but the fish tales that came out of Grant's mouth made it all worth the while.
Us girls stayed home and enjoyed a nice weekend without the boys. We did some shopping, went out for supper, watched movies, and made rootbeer floats.
ttfn :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Last 10 years in REVIEW for Anjelika Michelle Kocher

2000 Kurt purposed to me at the top of the Space Needle in Seattle Wa

2001 I graudated college from VCSU with a degree in Elementary Ed and Early Childhood Education

2001 Kurt and I were married on July 28th, and set off for a week long honeymoon in Cozumel, Mexico

2002 We welcome 1st born son Grant William Kocher on August 18th

2003 We bought 5 acres of land a mile west of town and built a house

2004 We welcome baby girl Micaela Noelle Kocher into our home on March 5th

2005 We welcomed yet another baby girl into our home. Bethany Amy Elizabeth Kocher joined us on November 8th. It was less than 2 weeks after my grandma Amy Haiberg passed away.

Summer 2005 we purchased our Lake Home on blacktail Dam. Best money we ever spent...

2006 I opened up my own preschool called Early Learning Begindergarten- "A preschool to help your child grow, play and learn."

2007 I had lost 50lbs

2008 I had lost 100lbs

2009 I had a full body lift to remove excess skin on my body. This entailed a body lift, complete tummy tuck, and torsoplasty.

2010... What will 2010-2020 bring????? Only time will tell.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years 2010...


This year for New Years, we took the kids to Williston and stayed at the Super 8.

The kids had an absolute blast swimming.
Before swimming, we all went to the move Alvin and Chipmunks. I personally didn't think it was as good as the 1st one, but the kids really enjoyed it.

Time for Horsderves and sparkling grape juice on the pool deck.
Having a pool side room was so cool.

Time for poppers at midnight..
Well, not exactly.
The kids were tierd at 10:00 so we rang in the new year then. :)
The kids were so tierd they fell asleep within minutes. Unfortunitally Bethany woke up with a bloody nose and completely saturated her pillow, nighty, and blankets with blood. I am guessing we are going to get a bill in the mail from the super 8 for sheets. It really was bad. :(

New Years Day we drove out to the cabin and did a bit of sledding.
The kids thought it was so cool to sled down the hill onto the ice.

Down down Grant goes.
Poor Bethany had to make the long treck back of the hill. She was done after that.

Girls ready for some sledding fun.

Mom the Eskimo.
It was a cold minus 10, so I was freezing.
Sledding was fun, but didn't last too long for any of us.
It was so nice to escape for a bit of fun before the start of tax season. Now it's time to make new resolutions and goals for 2010...


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