Tuesday, January 12, 2010

lipo and 7 month post op pictures

Right side before lipo
Right side after lipo.. Same day pictures

7 month post op front

Right side.. See the buldge

perfect left side

Back side
Today was the day for my Lipo.
I think I did pretty darn well since it is done while I was awake. Kurt was able to watch the whole entire thing, and was really amazed at how they do it.
It is just as rough and scary looking as you see it on tv. Only on tv you get to be put to sleep..
Step one make the incision and insert saline and numbing medicine
Step 2 insert long needle probe with very sharp points.
This is used to scrape all around the area and break up the fat.
Step 3 he sucks it out.
I have stiches under the bandaids that I will have removed next week, and then I will travel back to Bismarck for another follow up procedure.
Dr. Becker says it takes a good month or so to see the results.
That's all for now.. :)

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