Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ice Fishing Weekend

Grant had the absolute best weekend.
Kurt and him headed over to Devils Lake to so some ice fishing with Grandpa Jerry, "Kurt's step dad."
Kurt chose to fish outside, but Jerry and Grant stayed warm in the fish house

Grant perched over his hole patiently awaiting his "big catch."

The smiling little fisherman

Grant and Grandpa
Grant is our little fisherman. Weekends at the cabin are spent on the dock fishing. From the moment he wakes up in the morning, until bedtime, fishing is where you can find him.
This was a whole new experience for him, and something to remember forever.
A special thank you to Jerry for fishing when it was barely above freezing. It got to be along day with only three fish, but the fish tales that came out of Grant's mouth made it all worth the while.
Us girls stayed home and enjoyed a nice weekend without the boys. We did some shopping, went out for supper, watched movies, and made rootbeer floats.
ttfn :)

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