Ready for a cart wheel
Micaela all ready for the exhibition
Around the bar she goes
Micaela on the beam
Bethany doing her butt in the air walk...
I am sure it has some kind of gymnastics term, but I am not sure of what it is.. haha

My two "little stars"

My two "little stars"
Bethany doing her bridge
Every year the Gymnastics club puts on their annual exhibition, bake sale and Boy Scout spagetti feed. The kids work really hard through out the year practising for the big show, so this really wraps it up for the year.
Now that gymnastics is over, it is time to focus on dance. Dance recital is at the end of May, so we will be extra busy with costumes, pictures, lessons on stage, and dress rehearsals. Oddly enough time is going so fast. It really seems as though just yesterday we were preparing for last year's dance recital.
Tax season is now comming to an end as well. With less than 2 weeks to go, it will be nice to have a "husband" again.
It is kind of funny though because the kids and I have such a routine going right now that it will be weird to have Kurt home at 5:00 every night. Man, or man it is going to be a change.
April 16th Kurt and I fly out to Salt Lake City Utah to visit some friends of Kurt that he hasn't seen in several years. Not exactly my idea of a peaceful retreat after a long miserable tax season. Ideally someplace warm, sunny, and full of sand and pinacoladas would have been my dream place to escape, but it will sure be nice to get away. Plus I have been guaranteed good company, a manicure, pedicure and endless outlet mall shopping, so it should be a lot of fun.. :)
While in Utah for a week, my dad has graciously offered to come and stay with the kids. Now if you know my dad, you are probably laughing because he doesn't seem like the type. Ironically he really is excited to hold the fort down while we are gone, so we are trusting that he does ok. We will probably come home to udder caos, but it is all good. :)
I am getting some what of an escape the 1st part of May, as a friend and I are going to Minneapolis to see Owl City in concert. I know you are asking "Who is Owl City?" They sing the song Fire Flys that you hear on the radio all of the time. This will be a quick down and back trip, but should be a lot of fun. I can't wait.
Sadely, the new medicine that they put me on for my anxiouty attacks has caused me to gain 27lbs in a short month. I am really feeling down, as I can't get but one pair of my jeans on. It has been really frustrating, but I have been trying hard to get the weight off. Down 10lbs, I am hoping to get the excess 17 off soon. It went on so quickely and as always never leaves as quick as it came.
Other than that, I can't really think of anything else that is going on.
Kids are happy, healthy, and spring is here, so we can all start getting outside more...
Kids are happy, healthy, and spring is here, so we can all start getting outside more...
Tomorrow is Easter, so I hope to post Easter pictures this week...
Happy Easter Everybody :)
So plump