Monday, August 9, 2010

Camping trip August 2010

On Friday August 6th, the peeps and me, along with my sister Heidi and her son Jacob, went camping at Fort Peck, Montana. Their lake is absolutely beautiful. Water is crystal clear. The camp sites are very secluded with trees, and the bathrooms are awsome. Oh, ya did I mention that it is only $10 a night for tent camping. No water or electric, but so so nice....

With temps nearing 100 Fri, sat, & Sun, it was a great time to be in the water. Gosh, i could have stayed there forever...... It did storm Friday night, and the tent got blown around some, but it was an adventure.

Kurt on the other hand had a seminar in Rapid City, SD and then took him self an ever needed mini trip to Utah to visit his friends. It's taking me some getting used to having him do his own things, but it is getting better. :)

While in Fort Peck, we took the kids to the dinosaur museaum. The kids had a lot of fun, and it was free. Can't beat that. I wish I had pictures to show, but unfortinately my phone wont send pics, and my camera wont download.. I am in total picture withdrawl.. haha

This comming weekend, I am taking my much needed time away. Going to take in a twins game in Minneapolis, and hit the outlet mall for school clothes for the kids. Go way to wrap up the summer.

All is good here, and the kids are happy. Can't say they are 100% healthy because they did get the stomach flu this morning on the way home from the lake, but it is getting better. Oh ya, I cant forget to mention that my fridge quit while I was gone, so I had to throw out over a hundred dollars in food. Go figure, I just stocked up last Thursday. Anyhow, if anybody has a used fridge for give away, please let me know. Can't use a cooler for very long.. uggggg

Have a fantastic week. I posted several pics to facebook. For some reason they wont post to my blog.. hmmmm always something.

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