Thursday, August 19, 2010

End of summer

Last weekend was my last weekend of escape as the kids started school today. A friend and I went to Minneapolis and saw a twins game, and enjoyed a day at the water park. Oh ya, cant forget outlet mall shopping.. lol

Sadely, blogger wont allow me to post pictures.. uggg I have no idea why. If you would like too see the many new pictures I have, visit me on facebook. I put several new picture albums up.

Well school has started, so summer is pretty close to offically over. Wont be long before we are back to our run run run schedules.. I am just glad I dont start preschool until September 21st, so I can enjoy a bit more free time. Well as free as you can call it. Lots of endless hours at the preschool to prepare before the 1st day.

Our house is finally getting some finishing touches. Carpet and lino are in upstairs and in the bathrooms. kids' beds are here now, and their rooms are done. Just a lot of painting and misc. stuff to be done.

All in all, things are going well. Still forcing my smile each day, but one day I have faith it will come on its own.

Enjoy the last warm days of summer..

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