Hi Everbody,
Fall is in the air wouldn't you say? Nice warm days, and cool evenings. The leaves falling off the trees.... Awww, I love this time of year. It also means that Halloween is on its way.
This year the three peeps and me will be dressing up as The Wizard if Oz. Micaela will be Dorthy, Grant Tinman, Bethany the Lion, and I will be Glenda the Good Witch. My sister Heidi and her son Jacob will also be dressing up along with us. She will be the Bad witch, and Jacob the scare crow. It is going to be so much fun.. I can't wait.
Next week starts my second week of preschool. I have 2 really good groups of kids this year, so I am excited to try some new and exciting things with them. Preschool keeps me on my toes, which is why I am usually very exhausted on Tuesdays and Thursdays. hahahaha While I haven't decided whether or not I will continue after this year because Bethany will be in Kindergarten, and I need a bigger income, I know that I am going to enjoy it while I can.
The kids are busy. We got Micaela all signed up for girl scouts, Grant in boy scouts, all three in gymnastics, dance, Sunday School and Wednesday night kids group, & Grant and Micaela in 4H.. It all keeps us busy.
Grant just started the 2nd grade and is bringing home homework.. Man, that's a bit early for homework.. Micaela is learning to read, and is seems to be enjoying school a bit more this year. Bethany is still in school with me.. Geesh my baby turns 5 in Novemeber.. Seems unbelievable.
Things are going well with Kurt and I. The alternating of 7 days on and 7 days off with the kids seems to be working. I am still having my "bad" days, but am working through them and am going to start seeing somebody. The divorce just happened way to fast for me, and therefore I really haven't adjusted well. Kurt on the other hand seems very very happy with his girl friend Sandy from Utah. She came to visit a couple weeks ago, and seems like a very nice lady. As hard as it is, I wish them both the very best. I remind myself everyday that everything happens for a reason, and this is the "plan" for us. He is still the worlds best father so that is all that matters.
All in all things are going well. Living life day by day, and enjoying my truely wonderful kiddos...
Happy FALL everyone...