Sunday, January 13, 2013
~~ We are Back~~
After a one year vacation from blogging, WE ARE BACK!!!!!
Many Many things have happnened since our last blog entry in November 2011.
For starters, my neck/protruding disks did improve and I was able to start living life again. There are moments when they act up, but for now things are quiet.
In April the kids and I took a Disney World Vacation. Priceless memories, and great times. I have to give myself credit as a single mother of 3 taking on such a big adventure. Things went great, and I can see us going on other trips in the future. :)
In May Ralph and I found out we were expecting a baby. I think back to May, and January seemed so far off for a baby. With less than 8 sleeps to go, all I can say is time has gone REALLY FAST.. Baby is due January 23rd via c-section. Oh, and yes, we are HAVING A BOY!!!!!
We had a great summer, filled with fun in the sun at the cabin, and our usual trips to water parks etc. Of course, summer went fast and that lead us right into the fun of school and activities. We are still a RUN RUN RUN, GO GO GO family, so it will be interesting to see just much this baby slows us down, or slows me down.
I have continued to teach preschool and am almost to the end. Has it been easy? No, but with one last week of teaching, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The kids have been so intrigued with my growing belly, and the fact that there is a baby in my tummy. I know I am going to have 26 very excited preschoolers when the baby comes.. The plan for now is to take 6-8 weeks off, and then I have a sitter lined up to watch the baby March, April and May. Never had to work, nor worry about babysitters/day care with my other three kids, so this is a whole new experience. With as happy as I am about having a sitter to end the school year, having a sitter next fall could prove to be tricky. I guess we will just wait and see what happens.
It is my goal to update the blog alot more frequently, so please be checking back..
Next post will be after the baby is born... Can't wait to share pictures/stories etc.
Until then...
Anjelika & Family
Our Family at Christmas TIME
Wanted to post my Christmas letter for those of you, whom may have not read it.
This was a very MAGICAL year for all of us. The MAGIC started in April when the kids & I embarked on our first Disney Vacation. 7 days of beautiful sunshine, all intertwined with Disney, Sea World, and endless fun in Orlando. The kids are already asking when we can go back.. J
May brought us MAGICAL news that Ralph & I were expecting a baby due late January. We are happy to announce that IT’S A BOY. We are anxiously awaiting his arrival.
The summer was spent trying to fill in as much fun as we could in between baseball games. Yes, the Kocher kids are quite the ball players. Some of our MAGICAL moments include: going to the fair, camping in MT, trips to the water park, fun at the splash pad, & of course weekends at the cabin. Ralph & I were also able to spend some time with his son Kolden at the MAGIC of his sister Martha’s wedding in June. Good time spent with his family…
Summer soon ended and it was back to the MAGIC of school.
Grant (10) is now in the 4th grade. He is involved in Boy Scouts, 4H, Hockey, Youth Group, and is now in his 2nd year of Piano. The one thing that really MAGICALLY shines is his ability to dance. This is his 7th year dancing at Drewitz School of Dance in Estevan. He has completed his first exam in Jazz & has moved up to Level 2. We are very proud of him.
Micaela (8.5) is now in the 3rd grade. She is involved in Girl Scouts, 4H, Youth Group, and has just started Piano. She too MAGICALLY shines in dance and is taking both Jazz and Tap this year. Really is hard to believe that she too has been dancing for over 5 years. J
Bethany “Little Red” (7) is now in the 1st grade. She is involved in Girls Scouts, 4H, Kid’s Club, Gymnastics and is in her 3rd year of dancing. The MAGIC in her revolves around that RED hair. You just never know what you are going to get with her. She is a true Spit Fire!
Kolden, Ralph’s son, (6) lives in Valley City with his mother and 3 brothers. We don’t get to see him as often as we like, but he is a bright, funny, and adorable 6yr old that you cant help but fall in love with. He is in boy scouts. The MAGIC in him lies in his heart. He is SOOOOO sweet.
Baby Kocher Hoversten is due to MAGICALLY enter the world via c-section January 22nd. We are so excited to be welcoming a new baby into this family. The kids are already fighting over who is going to change, and feed him. The nursery is about done, and things are all coming together. J
Ralph and I have now been together 2 MAGICAL years. While I am not ready to throw any MAGIC I do’s out in the air, we are still very happy and that is all that matters. He works as the Manager for American Welding & Gas and seems to work about anyplace they need him. His home fort is Williston, but he also has worked in Sidney, Mt, and Minot. Just never know where he is going to be one week to the next. So thankful his company has provided him with housing.
Anjelika.. Well, this is my 7th year of teaching preschool. Always such a MAGICAL reward to know I taught these kids the primary foundations they need to know to progress in school. Some days can prove a challenge, but in the end, the reward is always greater than the struggle. J I also am still employed with Easter Seals, and enjoy the MAGIC of helping my clients.
That about wraps up our year of MAGIC. We hope this letter finds you all in good health & happy spirits for the New Year. J Facebook: Anjelika Berg Kocher,
Sunday, November 6, 2011
I AM DONE in so many ways.
Lately I whine about my neck, I whine about lack of sleep due to pain, I whine about being alone with nobody to help me through this tough time, I whine about not being the best mom I can be, and when it comes down to it, Im done!
Where does whining really get us anyhow? Yes we get the sympathy texts, fb messages, and the "Oh I'm so sorrys," but it doesn't help the pain, doesn't help the lack of sleep, and surely doesn't help me with the kids. So I say it again, I AM DONE!
Just this morning I forced myself out of bed in terrible pain to get ready for church. The kids were singing, and I surely wasn't going to miss it. I've put my share of happy faces on, so this wasn't any different. Go, smile, tell the kids how well they did, and head home to rest. Having taken my morning drugs to help ease the pain, I knew there would be no way for me to comfortably drive to church. I texted a friend for a ride, and got the hmm haa, can't you drive yourself rubish. HELLO, would I have called if I thought I could drive myself? So I put my composed face on and headed for church. Midway down main street, I couldn't do it. The pain had consumed me and I drove home. I have felt terrible all day having had to miss church, but you know what. I am only one person and right now, I am injured and barely holding on. And to that one nasty friend whom said to me, "Get on the curb and I will pick you up in 10 min." Ya, thanks but no thanks. I have come to conclude who my real friends are, and to you my friend, you are released... I QUIT. Its like a dealth but I AM DONE. Hope you are happy.
Where does whining really get us anyhow? Yes we get the sympathy texts, fb messages, and the "Oh I'm so sorrys," but it doesn't help the pain, doesn't help the lack of sleep, and surely doesn't help me with the kids. So I say it again, I AM DONE!
Just this morning I forced myself out of bed in terrible pain to get ready for church. The kids were singing, and I surely wasn't going to miss it. I've put my share of happy faces on, so this wasn't any different. Go, smile, tell the kids how well they did, and head home to rest. Having taken my morning drugs to help ease the pain, I knew there would be no way for me to comfortably drive to church. I texted a friend for a ride, and got the hmm haa, can't you drive yourself rubish. HELLO, would I have called if I thought I could drive myself? So I put my composed face on and headed for church. Midway down main street, I couldn't do it. The pain had consumed me and I drove home. I have felt terrible all day having had to miss church, but you know what. I am only one person and right now, I am injured and barely holding on. And to that one nasty friend whom said to me, "Get on the curb and I will pick you up in 10 min." Ya, thanks but no thanks. I have come to conclude who my real friends are, and to you my friend, you are released... I QUIT. Its like a dealth but I AM DONE. Hope you are happy.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Back in the Saddle Again.. OR WAS IT???
Last weekend was a "family" weekend. After the numerious ER visits, and an epidural placed in my neck to numb the pain, I felt it safe to take the kids. The kids and I had a great time. Ralph came over and we raked leaves into pumpkin bags, got the yard all cleaned up, and just enjoyed the cool crisp, yet sunny fall Saturday. Mom was able to get those ever wanted pictures of the kids in their Halloween shirts next to the fall follage, so she was extra happy.

Grant escaped with daddy to the football game while we girls spent the afternoon dipping Nutter Butters into white chocolate for the kids' Halloween treats at school. We ended the evening with a fun festive Halloween dinner. Mummie Dogs, and Pumpkin face smoothies. We topped it off with our tradition of watching the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. It was just a great day!!!!

Sunday, Mom wasn't moving very quick, as she had WAY overdone it on Saturday. Keeping her frown hidden, the fun continued with painting pumpkins, decorating the Haunted House, and making what felt like hundreds of popcorn balls for trick or treaters.

Monday I started my job with Easter Seals and went to my first client's place in Wildrose. Sadely after just a couple of hrs the pain in my neck was so severe, I had to leave. I made it to the clinic at 11:30, rushed to Williston to see Dr. Meridian yet again for another epidural, and ended up sleeping Halloween away. I was just heart broked to have not taken the kids trick or treating. They stopped over to get ready and take pictures and that was that.. I will say, the one REAL big down fall of the kids going trick or treating with their dad is there ISN'T any candy for me to steal during the day.. lol Probably a good thing since i have gained 25lbs from all the steriods they have given me. Still makes me sad that I can't just snag a chocolate every now and then... lol

No School Tuesday as I needed to rest, and Wed. I headed back. Wed went better than today, but I have come to conclude that it is going to be a long heading road regardless. Dr. Meridian did yet another scan and it shows that the not only are their buldges, but there is a herniated disk as well. If that doesn't go away, it could mean surgery. So frustrating.
Kurt has the kids this weekend, and then I am going to try and take the kids next week. I am so scared just because doing the simplest of things like taking a pan out of the oven sends shooting pains up my arm and neck. I haven't slept a wink the last 2 nights, and even with a sleep aid, i am starting to think there is no sleep in sight for me. I went to school at 7:00 a.m. this morning because I was up and no sence in lying in bed any longer. I got my lesson planning done for the next couple of weeks, so I guess it paid off in the long run.
Not it is 5:00ish and I am exhausted. I wear my neck brace at school to take pressure off my neck, but didn't take as man meds during the day, so now its hard to get the pain under control. Again so frustrating.
I appologize for all of my whining and crying over this matter. Again the word is frustrating as I didn't do anything to my neck. My MRI shows trama, and yet all I did was wake up with a kinked neck.. ugggg.
Who knows what the next day holds I guess. Thanks to those people whom once again have been there to help, and take me to appointments, or sent flowers. Means so much.
Just another bump in the road that needs to be smoothed over. My main goal to get better for my peeps. They are my world and I am bound and determined to get better...
I hope you enjoy the Fall Halloween weekend pics..
Take care,
Grant escaped with daddy to the football game while we girls spent the afternoon dipping Nutter Butters into white chocolate for the kids' Halloween treats at school. We ended the evening with a fun festive Halloween dinner. Mummie Dogs, and Pumpkin face smoothies. We topped it off with our tradition of watching the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. It was just a great day!!!!
Sunday, Mom wasn't moving very quick, as she had WAY overdone it on Saturday. Keeping her frown hidden, the fun continued with painting pumpkins, decorating the Haunted House, and making what felt like hundreds of popcorn balls for trick or treaters.
Monday I started my job with Easter Seals and went to my first client's place in Wildrose. Sadely after just a couple of hrs the pain in my neck was so severe, I had to leave. I made it to the clinic at 11:30, rushed to Williston to see Dr. Meridian yet again for another epidural, and ended up sleeping Halloween away. I was just heart broked to have not taken the kids trick or treating. They stopped over to get ready and take pictures and that was that.. I will say, the one REAL big down fall of the kids going trick or treating with their dad is there ISN'T any candy for me to steal during the day.. lol Probably a good thing since i have gained 25lbs from all the steriods they have given me. Still makes me sad that I can't just snag a chocolate every now and then... lol
No School Tuesday as I needed to rest, and Wed. I headed back. Wed went better than today, but I have come to conclude that it is going to be a long heading road regardless. Dr. Meridian did yet another scan and it shows that the not only are their buldges, but there is a herniated disk as well. If that doesn't go away, it could mean surgery. So frustrating.
Kurt has the kids this weekend, and then I am going to try and take the kids next week. I am so scared just because doing the simplest of things like taking a pan out of the oven sends shooting pains up my arm and neck. I haven't slept a wink the last 2 nights, and even with a sleep aid, i am starting to think there is no sleep in sight for me. I went to school at 7:00 a.m. this morning because I was up and no sence in lying in bed any longer. I got my lesson planning done for the next couple of weeks, so I guess it paid off in the long run.
Not it is 5:00ish and I am exhausted. I wear my neck brace at school to take pressure off my neck, but didn't take as man meds during the day, so now its hard to get the pain under control. Again so frustrating.
I appologize for all of my whining and crying over this matter. Again the word is frustrating as I didn't do anything to my neck. My MRI shows trama, and yet all I did was wake up with a kinked neck.. ugggg.
Who knows what the next day holds I guess. Thanks to those people whom once again have been there to help, and take me to appointments, or sent flowers. Means so much.
Just another bump in the road that needs to be smoothed over. My main goal to get better for my peeps. They are my world and I am bound and determined to get better...
I hope you enjoy the Fall Halloween weekend pics..
Take care,
Thursday, October 27, 2011

The past couple of weeks have been a real struggle for me. I woke up with a kinked neck on a Tuesday, went to my routine Chiropractor treatment on a Thursday, ended up in the hospital that weekend. Had an MRI and was told I had buldging disks in my c spine in that 5-7 range, which not only causes a horrible upper back ach, but severe pain in my left arm and hards. I have been living on muscle relaxers and lots of oxy codone. It has been tough for me to function and teaching school has proven to be ok, during the day on ibupropn 800's but by after school the pain is so bad it has sent me to the er twice.
Today I had a spinal epidural that injectted numbing medicine into my spine. It worked great for about 10hrs, but here I sit at the computer at 1:00 a.m. in terrible pain again. I just dont know what to do. School must go on. My mind can teach school, my body wants, to, but my hand arm and back just throbb. I can't even explain it to you.. uffff
Anyhow for the next 3 weeks i must take it semi easy and hope the shot gives out atleast a little more relieve than it is giving out right now. If not, next step spin doctor. And yes can you believe this all because I woke up with a kinked neck. SO FRUSTRATING....
Thanks to Krisit Hauegeno for taking me to the hospital more times than I can count, Kurt for keeping the kids extra so I could try and heal, and to the many nice people who have helped me out. Thanks to April and her children for the lovely flowers and balloon, Ellen for making me smile, Kelly for taking me to my doc appointment in Williston and to everbody else that has wished me well.
I feel so stupid even whining about this pain when I know there are others dealing with way worse things in the world. I never knew how much pain could affect a person's daily life. Now I know why some people don't work.. big sigh.
Anyhow, School resumes normal next week. I hope and pray I have the strength and energy to keep going...
Saturday, October 15, 2011
The Head Blogger Has Been SUPER Busy
I never imagened that I would be such a horrible blogger. With so many wonderful things going on in my life, I can't believe I haven't taken time to blog and share them with anybody.
Last entry was a hard one, and perhaps one that I hope to have to never write again. I have come to conclude that God has a plan for me, and I guess that plan doesn't include teaching full time in the Divide County School System.

Preschool has and was always a goal of mine, and truthfully the best job a teacher can have, in my opinion of course.. lol Children are so innocent and loving. I go to work each and every day knowing that these kids are learning the foundations of learning that they will use for the rest of their life. :) So rewarding.. Money wise, perhaps not so rewarding as I work just as many hours as a 40hr job and get paid a sad $450 bucks a month. Pretty close to poverty level, but chin high I guess.
I babysit most Monday's and Fridays and have also taken on a third job working for Easter Seals providing care, support and training to those families with children that just need extra help. I am going through the training process right now, and it really looks to be a rewarding job.
Anything I can do to make sure my children have a great life. You do what you gotta do to support your children, and when opporunties are low in your area, and you can't leave, you just keep your chin high and treck on. I've done lots of soul searching and crying since my divorce and then again during my job rejection here in town, and nothing keeps you moving more than a positive attitude.. Of course, I still have my days, as I am sure we all do, but they too are a lot more positive.
The kids are doing wonderful. We had a great summer taking in as many weekends at the cabin as we could, swimming in our back yard pool, camping in Ft. Peck Montana, riding the slides in Kennossee up in Canada, and just being together as a family.

Grant 9, had is motorcyle birthday party in August, and has loved each and every minute of time spent on the scooter I got him for his birthday. Just today we took it down town to sell popcorn to local businesses. He is such a wonderful tendar hearted boy who loves sports. Although he just started piano lessons last week and really seems to love them.

In my opinion Family is family and I will never not invite family to any of the kids' birthday parties. To me Meghan, Ashleigh and Luke will always be my children and a part of me. Just as Ryder, Emma, and Aiden will always have a special play in my heart as grandchildren. I do not force relationships, nor do I want trouble, but divorce doesn't have to wreck bonds if it doesn't have too. I love Grandma Mavis, and Grandpa Jerry very much as I do Barb Kocher. I just wish they could see the good in my heart. I know I have made bad choices and I may not have always done things right, but I still love them all dearly. :)

Grant is going to be a Bears football player for Halloween, and it is almost impossible to get the costume off of him.. Too Funny. He really is his father's son. He loves wood working, hunting, automachanics, and really almost everything that Kurt loves. Kurt is so wonderful in teaching him all of those man things I know nothing about. I did however start cooking with him more, so I can take a little credit for the fact that Grant can cook a thing or
Micaela 7 is still a mini me. She looks, talks and acts just like I did at that age. It is just crazy how somebody can be so identical to another person. I guess with that said, she must have a positive future, because I went on and did great things.. lol Micaela is in the 2nd grade, and does very well in school. She loves life, and just smiles from ear to ear most days. She does however have that Anjelika the drama queen in her, so I am so lucky to get to endure that. hahaha We have been batteling with her weight pretty much since birth, and it is so frustrating. I so dont want her to go through the many obsticals I went through with my weight. We have been to the nutritionalist, done everything from throwing all sugar cereals away to dong fat free, and during the course of this 2 month journey she gained 10lbs. Poor girl is so active and doesnt need this. We are hoping to get her into a prediatrition who works with children and their weight, but that too is a waiting game. :(

Bethany soon to be 6 in a few short weeks, is still none other than a red head with an attitude. Kurt swares she is an angel for him, but I, having babied her from birth am surely getting my pay back. She has been on this God Mother Kick. Bless her Godmother Jessa's Soul for staying in her life. she loves her soo much and that is all we hear about. Thanks Jessa and Tom for always taking the time to give her gifts and attention. She loves you both so much.
It is just so hard to let go to your baby, and with her starting kindgarten this year, it was really tough on both of us. For the past 2 years it was just her and I during the day, and now she is gone. Sniff Sniff.. I will say I think kindergarten is wearing her out like it did Grant. She is so crabby afterschool and so extrememly tierd. She is in bed most nights at 7:15 and I can barely wake her in the morning at 7:30. Poor girl needs lots of sleep. I have kept her home a day or two to catch up, and maybe that is just what she needs.

Ralph and I are still trying to work things out. It has been tough with him losing his job in Kenmare and than having to come back to Crosby to work at a lower paying job just to live. He has spent most of the summer living in my basement, but I think it is time he moves on. He has applied for several jobs around the state and and has many interviews, so I am hopeful that something will work out for him. I love him a lot, but until he finds work, we really dont have a steady future together. I surely can't support him off my measly means of money, and lord knows Super Value cant. It is really a sad situation. He loves the people he works with in town, and I know he loves me amy kids more than anything, but he deserves bigger and better things, and just basically needs to learn from his mistakes and move on. He is a great guy, fantastic father and great friend.. Only time will tell I guess. :)

One thing I have learned about friendship is that it is what it is and that's it. Do you know some of my very closest highschool friends never once sent a card, messaged me, or texted me following my divorce. I had a couple out of the blue that totally took me by surprise send an email or two, and I guess it just goes to show you who the people are that really care about it. Still to this day almost 2 years later, I still haven't heard from those "so called friends" that I once had. Pretty said. I still comment on their FB pages, or drop them a note, but too some, either divorce is something they look down on me for, or they just heard one to many rumors and that has lead them to stay away. Really sad, but what do you do. I have made a few new friends in Crosby over the past few months, and it has been nice to find people to laugh with again. For those who knew me in highschool I laughed and was happy all of the time. For some reason while I was married the laughter in me died, and I just wasn't happy anymore. I am proud to say I have it back and I am not letting it go. It is who I am. :)
My Three BFFs that I want in my life forever are Tennille Albertson and her daughter Kapri who live in Fargo. Tennille has taught me that a person can only go fowards and not back wards in life. God doesn't give you what you want but rather helps you get the things you need. She is such an inspiration to me and its hard to believe we met in college in 1998.

My Second BFF is Chalsey Anderson. I met her at a time in my life when I was struggling to lose weight and become somebody new. She helped take me out of my caccoon, so to speak and helped transform me into a whole new person. She made me think about my body, and the good qualities that I had rather than focus on the bad. Silly things like waxing my eyes brows, and throwing my Jesus sandles away were just a few minor things that helped me realize that I wasn't the person I once was, but rather on a jounrey to become somebody more confident. Thanks Chalsey.. You are the best ever, and lying under the stars this summer was the most priceless gift anybody can give anybody. Thank you.

My third BFF, whom I call SISTER Stone is Ellen Stone. We just happened to cross paths a mear month or so ago when she and her husband moved to town. Ellen and I love to drink a glass a whine, laugh, watch the silliest of tv reality shows, and just sit on the couch and eat endless oreos. Meeting Ellen has been so nice because for the first time I have a really good friend in town that isn't judgmental, and just wants to be friends that talk about everything. Friends like that are few and far between, and it is nice to be trusted with things that she needs to talk about and vise versa. For her being 10 years younger it is like having a big sister, and for me it is like having a sister period. Had you asked me what I thought of her when I first met her, i would have probably told you a stuck up priss, but sometimes peoeple surprise you and they are infact just shy. She just recently had a baby and it has been so nice mentoring her and her husband as to how to raise their beautiful baby Havyn as well as their very smart daughter Austin whom is in preschool.

As for Kurt, right now I would love to think that we could always be best friends. But with a new wife, and new family, I guess perhaps that title has changed. Kurt was a part of my life for almost 16 years, and while the silliest of things like making him annual blue angle food cake for his Birthdya this sunday is sadely not going to happen for me because I understand his wife wants to give it a whirl, I must just accept it and move on. You can only shed so many tears over things before you realise that it just doesn't do any good. The kids instead will help me make a different cake. It was something we always did together, and I am not going to take that from them. Guess the family will just be getting two cakes this year.. :) Happy Birthday to my very best friend in the world.. Here is to one last year in your 40's before the big 50 hits you... mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lol

Of course we all have those other friends that we call friends, but really are just aquaintances. It is just nice to finally have a few that are more than hi, buy, how are you friends. :)
Kelly Johson and I have also become closer and closer. She is just a real person. Those are hard to find. She says things how they are, and I love her honesty...
Aside from all of the fun we had this summer, one can not forget the pumpkin patch. It was our 4th annual trip. Kids had so much fun.

ufff, I hope I am not rambling.. But then again it is 430 am. Trust you me I am asking the same question, WHY OH Why ARE YOU UP Anjelika?????
I have a bulging disk in my back that is causing severe pain to my neck, shoulder and arm. As I type my left arm is pulsating and it is driving me crazy. Sadley not as crazy as when I am in bed. It totally drives me nuts in bed because it is like joilts of electricity down my arm, back and neck. I am taking 8 steriod pills a day right now to help bring down the inflamation, and poping oxy codone like crazy. I just dont know what I am going to do. I already had to take a sick day this week because I was in so much pain I ended up going to the hospital for a demeral shot. I have a mri on Thursday, so i am hopeful that something gets figured out. What is weird about the whole thing is that I woke up last Tuesday with a kink in my neck that bothered me a couple days. I went to the chiropractor because she is so wonderful at adjusting me and things just went down from there.. uggg I just want this pain to GOOOOOOO AWAY... :)
Well it is time to crawl back into bed and try sleeping once again. I hope I have you all a little bit caught up and I am hoping to get back into blogging. It is just so tough with 3 kids, 26 preschool students, and then the extra babysitting kids I have and now this new job. Always on the go...
Hope all is well with all of you. :)
Anjelika Kocher and Family
Last entry was a hard one, and perhaps one that I hope to have to never write again. I have come to conclude that God has a plan for me, and I guess that plan doesn't include teaching full time in the Divide County School System.
Preschool has and was always a goal of mine, and truthfully the best job a teacher can have, in my opinion of course.. lol Children are so innocent and loving. I go to work each and every day knowing that these kids are learning the foundations of learning that they will use for the rest of their life. :) So rewarding.. Money wise, perhaps not so rewarding as I work just as many hours as a 40hr job and get paid a sad $450 bucks a month. Pretty close to poverty level, but chin high I guess.
I babysit most Monday's and Fridays and have also taken on a third job working for Easter Seals providing care, support and training to those families with children that just need extra help. I am going through the training process right now, and it really looks to be a rewarding job.
Anything I can do to make sure my children have a great life. You do what you gotta do to support your children, and when opporunties are low in your area, and you can't leave, you just keep your chin high and treck on. I've done lots of soul searching and crying since my divorce and then again during my job rejection here in town, and nothing keeps you moving more than a positive attitude.. Of course, I still have my days, as I am sure we all do, but they too are a lot more positive.
The kids are doing wonderful. We had a great summer taking in as many weekends at the cabin as we could, swimming in our back yard pool, camping in Ft. Peck Montana, riding the slides in Kennossee up in Canada, and just being together as a family.
Grant 9, had is motorcyle birthday party in August, and has loved each and every minute of time spent on the scooter I got him for his birthday. Just today we took it down town to sell popcorn to local businesses. He is such a wonderful tendar hearted boy who loves sports. Although he just started piano lessons last week and really seems to love them.
In my opinion Family is family and I will never not invite family to any of the kids' birthday parties. To me Meghan, Ashleigh and Luke will always be my children and a part of me. Just as Ryder, Emma, and Aiden will always have a special play in my heart as grandchildren. I do not force relationships, nor do I want trouble, but divorce doesn't have to wreck bonds if it doesn't have too. I love Grandma Mavis, and Grandpa Jerry very much as I do Barb Kocher. I just wish they could see the good in my heart. I know I have made bad choices and I may not have always done things right, but I still love them all dearly. :)
Grant is going to be a Bears football player for Halloween, and it is almost impossible to get the costume off of him.. Too Funny. He really is his father's son. He loves wood working, hunting, automachanics, and really almost everything that Kurt loves. Kurt is so wonderful in teaching him all of those man things I know nothing about. I did however start cooking with him more, so I can take a little credit for the fact that Grant can cook a thing or
Micaela 7 is still a mini me. She looks, talks and acts just like I did at that age. It is just crazy how somebody can be so identical to another person. I guess with that said, she must have a positive future, because I went on and did great things.. lol Micaela is in the 2nd grade, and does very well in school. She loves life, and just smiles from ear to ear most days. She does however have that Anjelika the drama queen in her, so I am so lucky to get to endure that. hahaha We have been batteling with her weight pretty much since birth, and it is so frustrating. I so dont want her to go through the many obsticals I went through with my weight. We have been to the nutritionalist, done everything from throwing all sugar cereals away to dong fat free, and during the course of this 2 month journey she gained 10lbs. Poor girl is so active and doesnt need this. We are hoping to get her into a prediatrition who works with children and their weight, but that too is a waiting game. :(
Bethany soon to be 6 in a few short weeks, is still none other than a red head with an attitude. Kurt swares she is an angel for him, but I, having babied her from birth am surely getting my pay back. She has been on this God Mother Kick. Bless her Godmother Jessa's Soul for staying in her life. she loves her soo much and that is all we hear about. Thanks Jessa and Tom for always taking the time to give her gifts and attention. She loves you both so much.
It is just so hard to let go to your baby, and with her starting kindgarten this year, it was really tough on both of us. For the past 2 years it was just her and I during the day, and now she is gone. Sniff Sniff.. I will say I think kindergarten is wearing her out like it did Grant. She is so crabby afterschool and so extrememly tierd. She is in bed most nights at 7:15 and I can barely wake her in the morning at 7:30. Poor girl needs lots of sleep. I have kept her home a day or two to catch up, and maybe that is just what she needs.
Ralph and I are still trying to work things out. It has been tough with him losing his job in Kenmare and than having to come back to Crosby to work at a lower paying job just to live. He has spent most of the summer living in my basement, but I think it is time he moves on. He has applied for several jobs around the state and and has many interviews, so I am hopeful that something will work out for him. I love him a lot, but until he finds work, we really dont have a steady future together. I surely can't support him off my measly means of money, and lord knows Super Value cant. It is really a sad situation. He loves the people he works with in town, and I know he loves me amy kids more than anything, but he deserves bigger and better things, and just basically needs to learn from his mistakes and move on. He is a great guy, fantastic father and great friend.. Only time will tell I guess. :)
One thing I have learned about friendship is that it is what it is and that's it. Do you know some of my very closest highschool friends never once sent a card, messaged me, or texted me following my divorce. I had a couple out of the blue that totally took me by surprise send an email or two, and I guess it just goes to show you who the people are that really care about it. Still to this day almost 2 years later, I still haven't heard from those "so called friends" that I once had. Pretty said. I still comment on their FB pages, or drop them a note, but too some, either divorce is something they look down on me for, or they just heard one to many rumors and that has lead them to stay away. Really sad, but what do you do. I have made a few new friends in Crosby over the past few months, and it has been nice to find people to laugh with again. For those who knew me in highschool I laughed and was happy all of the time. For some reason while I was married the laughter in me died, and I just wasn't happy anymore. I am proud to say I have it back and I am not letting it go. It is who I am. :)
My Three BFFs that I want in my life forever are Tennille Albertson and her daughter Kapri who live in Fargo. Tennille has taught me that a person can only go fowards and not back wards in life. God doesn't give you what you want but rather helps you get the things you need. She is such an inspiration to me and its hard to believe we met in college in 1998.
My Second BFF is Chalsey Anderson. I met her at a time in my life when I was struggling to lose weight and become somebody new. She helped take me out of my caccoon, so to speak and helped transform me into a whole new person. She made me think about my body, and the good qualities that I had rather than focus on the bad. Silly things like waxing my eyes brows, and throwing my Jesus sandles away were just a few minor things that helped me realize that I wasn't the person I once was, but rather on a jounrey to become somebody more confident. Thanks Chalsey.. You are the best ever, and lying under the stars this summer was the most priceless gift anybody can give anybody. Thank you.

My third BFF, whom I call SISTER Stone is Ellen Stone. We just happened to cross paths a mear month or so ago when she and her husband moved to town. Ellen and I love to drink a glass a whine, laugh, watch the silliest of tv reality shows, and just sit on the couch and eat endless oreos. Meeting Ellen has been so nice because for the first time I have a really good friend in town that isn't judgmental, and just wants to be friends that talk about everything. Friends like that are few and far between, and it is nice to be trusted with things that she needs to talk about and vise versa. For her being 10 years younger it is like having a big sister, and for me it is like having a sister period. Had you asked me what I thought of her when I first met her, i would have probably told you a stuck up priss, but sometimes peoeple surprise you and they are infact just shy. She just recently had a baby and it has been so nice mentoring her and her husband as to how to raise their beautiful baby Havyn as well as their very smart daughter Austin whom is in preschool.

As for Kurt, right now I would love to think that we could always be best friends. But with a new wife, and new family, I guess perhaps that title has changed. Kurt was a part of my life for almost 16 years, and while the silliest of things like making him annual blue angle food cake for his Birthdya this sunday is sadely not going to happen for me because I understand his wife wants to give it a whirl, I must just accept it and move on. You can only shed so many tears over things before you realise that it just doesn't do any good. The kids instead will help me make a different cake. It was something we always did together, and I am not going to take that from them. Guess the family will just be getting two cakes this year.. :) Happy Birthday to my very best friend in the world.. Here is to one last year in your 40's before the big 50 hits you... mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lol
Of course we all have those other friends that we call friends, but really are just aquaintances. It is just nice to finally have a few that are more than hi, buy, how are you friends. :)
Kelly Johson and I have also become closer and closer. She is just a real person. Those are hard to find. She says things how they are, and I love her honesty...
Aside from all of the fun we had this summer, one can not forget the pumpkin patch. It was our 4th annual trip. Kids had so much fun.
ufff, I hope I am not rambling.. But then again it is 430 am. Trust you me I am asking the same question, WHY OH Why ARE YOU UP Anjelika?????
I have a bulging disk in my back that is causing severe pain to my neck, shoulder and arm. As I type my left arm is pulsating and it is driving me crazy. Sadley not as crazy as when I am in bed. It totally drives me nuts in bed because it is like joilts of electricity down my arm, back and neck. I am taking 8 steriod pills a day right now to help bring down the inflamation, and poping oxy codone like crazy. I just dont know what I am going to do. I already had to take a sick day this week because I was in so much pain I ended up going to the hospital for a demeral shot. I have a mri on Thursday, so i am hopeful that something gets figured out. What is weird about the whole thing is that I woke up last Tuesday with a kink in my neck that bothered me a couple days. I went to the chiropractor because she is so wonderful at adjusting me and things just went down from there.. uggg I just want this pain to GOOOOOOO AWAY... :)
Well it is time to crawl back into bed and try sleeping once again. I hope I have you all a little bit caught up and I am hoping to get back into blogging. It is just so tough with 3 kids, 26 preschool students, and then the extra babysitting kids I have and now this new job. Always on the go...
Hope all is well with all of you. :)
Anjelika Kocher and Family
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Lemons Anyone???
I know I have said it before, but here it goes again. When life gives you lemons, MAKE LEMONDADE... Well everyone, I have way too much lemonade and more than enough lemons, so........
So I guess it is time to brighten my horizions...
For most of the summer I have been waiting around to hear back as to whether or not I got hired here in Crosby. As most of you know, I have been waiting for 10 LONG years. Every time a position comes up, I get the same old babble.. "Sorry, but we really need coaches." So I patiently have enjoyed being my kids' mom and have worked my rump off at the preschool. After my divorce, I got a large wake up call.. Having once been able to just stick the preschool profits away, to now having to live off off them hasn't been easy.. So long story short, I really needed a full time job to be able to stay in the community. Sadely, I was over looked yet again. I can honestly say the day I got the call, I cried all day. I even cried on the phone. Honestly one of the most horrible days ever.. To hear, "We really want you to sub three days a week, and see you in the building on the days you don't teach preschool." just leads me to believe they didn't hire me because of loss of the preschool. ugggg
So now this is where I am at... I really only have a couple of options. Get a job in a neighboring town and commute back and forth with the kids mostly living with Kurt, or apply else where and take the kids from Kurt. Not pretty. Do you still my frustration as to why I really needed that teaching job here in town? I do not want to take the kids from Kurt, nor do I want to leave them here. I have a home, my children are active in many activites in the community, Im envolved.. I just dont get it.
As far as the preschool, of course I will continue it. However, there is a chance that if I get a job, I will have to give it up. When the difference in numbers is making less than $5000 a year doing the preschool or making $30,000 some thousand a year teaching full time, it is kind of a no brainer. It has been a struggle the past year. I love the preschool more than anything, but again it doesn't support a family of 4. Trust me ive crunched numbers over and over again.
Moving on. Ralph got him self into a bit of a pickle, so as of right now, we have our relationship on hold. I really need him to clear up all of his stuff.. We live and learn from our experiences, so hopefully this is a learning experience for him. Sometimes good people make big mistakes.. He is living in my basement, as he lost his apartment, so while not idea, it is working. I care about him very much, just hopes he starts thinking clearier..
The kids are doing fantastic. We have been running to Grant's pee-wee games, and the girls' tee ball games. The kids just love baseball. Then there was bible camp, and swimming lessons. Next week we have bible school, and scout camp. Always something. We have had some amazing weekends at the cabin, and even enjoyed a day in the sun at the the Watford water park last weekend. The kids have enjoyed having extra company at our house, as I have been baby sitting part time to make a bit of summer money. Every day I baby sit is a day we can go and do something, so it has been working out.
With just a little over 6 weeks until school starts, who only knows what the rest of the summer will hold. Really it has only felt like summer for the past 3 weeks, so it feels like summer has just begun. Thank goodness the rain has stopped for the most part. The basement is now dry.. :)
I am a positive person, so with all of these lemons, I know there has to be a cookie or two to help things out.. Perhaps maybe a full time job isn't in the plan for my life.. Just have to work with what I have, and weigh all options..
So I guess it is time to brighten my horizions...
For most of the summer I have been waiting around to hear back as to whether or not I got hired here in Crosby. As most of you know, I have been waiting for 10 LONG years. Every time a position comes up, I get the same old babble.. "Sorry, but we really need coaches." So I patiently have enjoyed being my kids' mom and have worked my rump off at the preschool. After my divorce, I got a large wake up call.. Having once been able to just stick the preschool profits away, to now having to live off off them hasn't been easy.. So long story short, I really needed a full time job to be able to stay in the community. Sadely, I was over looked yet again. I can honestly say the day I got the call, I cried all day. I even cried on the phone. Honestly one of the most horrible days ever.. To hear, "We really want you to sub three days a week, and see you in the building on the days you don't teach preschool." just leads me to believe they didn't hire me because of loss of the preschool. ugggg
So now this is where I am at... I really only have a couple of options. Get a job in a neighboring town and commute back and forth with the kids mostly living with Kurt, or apply else where and take the kids from Kurt. Not pretty. Do you still my frustration as to why I really needed that teaching job here in town? I do not want to take the kids from Kurt, nor do I want to leave them here. I have a home, my children are active in many activites in the community, Im envolved.. I just dont get it.
As far as the preschool, of course I will continue it. However, there is a chance that if I get a job, I will have to give it up. When the difference in numbers is making less than $5000 a year doing the preschool or making $30,000 some thousand a year teaching full time, it is kind of a no brainer. It has been a struggle the past year. I love the preschool more than anything, but again it doesn't support a family of 4. Trust me ive crunched numbers over and over again.
Moving on. Ralph got him self into a bit of a pickle, so as of right now, we have our relationship on hold. I really need him to clear up all of his stuff.. We live and learn from our experiences, so hopefully this is a learning experience for him. Sometimes good people make big mistakes.. He is living in my basement, as he lost his apartment, so while not idea, it is working. I care about him very much, just hopes he starts thinking clearier..
The kids are doing fantastic. We have been running to Grant's pee-wee games, and the girls' tee ball games. The kids just love baseball. Then there was bible camp, and swimming lessons. Next week we have bible school, and scout camp. Always something. We have had some amazing weekends at the cabin, and even enjoyed a day in the sun at the the Watford water park last weekend. The kids have enjoyed having extra company at our house, as I have been baby sitting part time to make a bit of summer money. Every day I baby sit is a day we can go and do something, so it has been working out.
With just a little over 6 weeks until school starts, who only knows what the rest of the summer will hold. Really it has only felt like summer for the past 3 weeks, so it feels like summer has just begun. Thank goodness the rain has stopped for the most part. The basement is now dry.. :)
I am a positive person, so with all of these lemons, I know there has to be a cookie or two to help things out.. Perhaps maybe a full time job isn't in the plan for my life.. Just have to work with what I have, and weigh all options..
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