Sunday, April 19, 2009

Weekend Escape

This past weekend, Kurt, the kids & I all ventured to Bismarck for a bit of an escape. We really had no plans for the capital city, but needed some time away to destress after tax season.

We didn't really do anything that was overly exciting while in Bismarck, but the thrill of getting away was all that mattered. The kids swam their little hearts out at the pool, mom shopped until she dropped, and dad just enjoyed being with the family. :)

The kids were pretty excited to get to go to Walmart and pick out any bike that they wanted. Grant opted for the orange twister bike, Micaela got none other than Hannah Montana, and Little Bethany picked Barbie. Thanks DADDY!!!!!!

Today is now Monday, and it is back to reality. I am hoping for a nice sunny day so we can start some much needed yard work...

Have a good week everybody!!!

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