Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Cleaning...

Well today was a day of cleaning, cleaning cleaning. Took me a while to get motivated, but once I did, man did I take off. Not only was I in cleaning mode, so were the kids. They were such good helpers. We even managed to squeeze in baking Easter cookies. It's amazing how much flight those candy sprinkes can get. :)

Tomorrow we are doing to die Easter eggs, go on the town Easter hunt, and head to Williston for Hannah Montana the movie. Should be exciting!!!!

Last weekend, we went to Williston for their Easter Hunt. I took the kids' picture with the Easter Bunny, and didn't think anything more of it. It wasn't until Monday when I got a call saying how cute my kids were in the Williston Herald. Apparently I wasn't the only one that snapped a picture of the kids with the bunny, the newspaper did too. The kids made the front cover of the Sunday paper.. So cool. :)

That wraps it up for today!!!!

Until later,


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