Friday, May 15, 2009


Today marks the last quiet day around here until June 2nd. Tomorrow Kurt and I go to Minot for our "Secret" day away. This will get everybody thinking. lol

Sunday we have to get the yard and house clean and ready for Kindergarten Graduation.

Monday clean, clean, clean.. Grant has dance in the evening

Tuesday, I have my pre op appointment in Williston with Dr. Kemp. This is just a pre op physical that gives me the green light for my surgery on June 2nd.

Wednesday we have Kindergarten graduation at 9:15 a.m. with cake and food to follow at our house. Then it is a mad dash to Estevan to start a long full day of dance photos, and regular dance classes. 1st round of pictures at 2:45, and last set at 8:30 at night. Going to be a long day.

Thursday we have to be in Bismarck for my thyroid biopsy by 12:30

Friday, we help Ashleigh move into her new apartment

Saturday we are heading to the lake for a couple days of quiet

Monday, Chasley and I are going to try and escape one last time before I become recliner bound after my surgery.

Tuesday will be a catch up day

Wednesday dance

Thursday the kids have lessons on stage in Estevan, so we have yet a nother trip to Estevan.

Friday is dress rehearsal in Estevan, and last but not least...

Saturday we have performance 1 at 3:00 our time, and performance 2 at 8:00p.m.

Sunday pack and prepare for surgery

Monday my dad and Ashleigh arrive to take care of kids

Tuesday June 2nd we are in Bismarck and ready for the BIG DAY!!!!!!

As if that doesn't seem busy enough, there is always the endless everyday chores that need to be done as well. uggg

That is just a quick update of how busy things are right now. I will try and get Grant's Kindergarten graduation pictures posted as soon as I get a free moment next week. I just can't believe my "baby boy," is going to be in 1st grade next year. sniff, sniff...

Take care,

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