Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Binder came off

Binder came off. Refere to before pics to see how things have changed.

The Binder came off the other day, and Kurt snapped a very quick shot of how smooth things are doing under there. It will take a lot of time before the swelling goes down, and all of the liquid drains off, but I found these picture to be a fair represenation of how things are going.
Today was a very rough day. I know, I know, you want to hear things are going fantastic, so do I. I overdid it yesterday, and the pain was so bad today, I had to remain in the chair. Kurt unstrapped the binder for a bit, while I was in the chair, so that things could air out, and relax a bit. I am hoping to try that again tonight. Much safter to just open a bit in the chair vs opening while I am standing. That is just scary....
The kids had t-ball today, and Tennille is doing a wonderful job with them. So comforting to know that I can totally rely on her, and not worry about what is going on in the other room. She has been a lifesaver, and the kids absolutely love her.
My family is still morning the loss of Uncle Bruse. I was informed that the funeral may possibly be Saturday. I feel terrible not going, because there isn't a lot of family, but my mobility just wont make it possible. If all goes well on the trip to Bismarck this Thursday for my follow up, perhaps maybe, but we will just have to wait and see what happens.
The rain was very nice to have the past couple of days. Tennille was able to sneak the kids out today inbetween showers, so the kids didn't get caben feavor. So hard to entertain 3 kids in the house, when they want outside.
My dad has been doing a fantastic job of helping as well. He was so concerned with how bumpy our road was last night, that he worked hrs, and hrs smoothing it out for me. It was by far the most wonderful thing. He knows that everylittle bump about kills me, so he made a few less bumps in the road. God Bless his soul.
Well, things are going as well as they can. The kids are happy, Kurt is back to work, and me, well I am alive, and that is what matters. Just taking it one day at a time.
Take Care
The Kochers

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