Friday, February 5, 2010

Howdy All

It is funny how many people comment on our blog when I don't update it, but when I am writing and writing, nobody says a thing. I am so glad that we have as many followers as we do. As long as you all keep reading, I will continue to keep writing. :)
My dad visited from Lacross, WI the 1st week of January. He always comes bearing tons of gifts wrapped in Walmart bags for the kids. The kids get so excited for another round of Christmas presents. While he was here, we also took time and celebrated his Birthday. Kids made him a cake, and we had presents. Short and sweet, but it ment a lot to him.

The past three weeks have been pretty uneventful. Tax season is now in full swing, so Kurt is now working very long hours to try stay "caught up." He started his January diet and has lost 12lbs. I am so proud of him. He is making some awsome choices, and it is really nice to see his enthusiasm.

Kurt has also recently found a few of his good friends from highschool on facebook. It has been nice to see that extra glow he has. I think it is really nice for him to reconnect with his old friends, and be able to reminiss and talk about the "good old days."

Last weekend, I enjoyed an over night to Bismarck with a friend. It was so fun to go out to eat, laugh, and just be silly. Not to mention the shopping. It was very nice to get away even if only for a night. :)

While in Bismarck, I had my 3 week post op appointment for my Lipo. It was the most amazing appoinment. Dr. Becker said I should come back one more time in 3 weeks to have my "after pictures" done, and then I am good to go. He told me I looked amazing, and it just melted my heart. He is the most kind man. Made me feel like a milllion bucks. Funny, but I have this special connection with him. He was the last leg of my transformation process, and for that I owe him a part of my heart. He took an "ugly duckling," and transformed it into a swan.

Unfortunitally while I was gone having fun, Grant and Miceala were sick with the stomach flu. I felt so helpless when he called me at 2:00 a.m. and he was dealing with puking kids. I arrived home Monday night, and the kids seemed fine. Tuesday night, Bethany and Kurt got it, so I had my fair share of cleaning up vomit. :)

The kids are doing good in school. Grant celebrated his 100 days of school. The brave 1st grade teachers took it upon themselves to have a slumber party at the school for the kids. Grant had so much fun. I was rather suprised that he wasn't tierd or cranky the next day having gone to sleep after midnight.

We are still running to gymnastics Monday and Tuesdays, dance in Estevan on Wednesdays, skating Thursdays, and church group and Sunday school. It is always something. I dont know who gets more tierd, me or the kids.

Last week my body was sending me some mixed messages. First of all, I have been having these anxiouty attacks that come on our of no where. They just totally freak me out. Having explained to the doctor that I dont feel anxious or extremely stressed out, she assured me that anxiouty problems run in families. My grandma, mom and sister deal quite badely with them, so it was only a matter of time for me. I started a medicine to help, so say a prayer for me.

The same week that the anxiouty started, I started bleeding quite abit, with a lot of cramping. I honestly thought that I was having a miscarriage. Beings that I have the Mirena IUD, "birth control," there was a slim change, but you just never know. Having only had a few periods over the course of the last 4 years, I made an appointment and had it checked. Turns out, I am dealing with cysts again, hense the bleeding. After a round of ultrasounds, and tests, we got it figured out. I got back in a month to have it checked again.

Oh the joys of being a woman.. lol
I am sure that was way more information than anybody cared to know, but that is what is going on, so......

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