Friday, August 27, 2010

Grant's 8th bday

I still dont know why blogger wont let me upload my pictures, but it is really starting to tick me.. uggg

Anyhow, Last Saturday we celebrated Grant's 8th birthday out at the golf cource. This year he wanted a golf party, so we let the kids hit golf balls. They had a lot of fun. I was a bit upset with the fact that it was 98 degrees and the wind was blowing terribly, but the kids all had fun, so it worked nice. Grant got a lot of nice gifts, and the day turned out to be rather special for him.

Wednesday I took the kids to Minot for Grant's actual birthday. The plan was to go to Roosevlet park pool, and then to Oak park splash pad. Much to our suprise both were closed. I mean, come on people, school doesn't start in Minot for another week. So we ended up at the Sleep in Splash down pool. Kids were happy as can be. We wrapped it up with a trip to Aliens for supper and presents. This year, I let Grant decorate his own cake, so we brought that along as well. A very fun birthday indeed.

Thursday school started. I sure wish we could start around the 26th of May vs the 20th and go back a week later, but what do i know. I know it was hot, and the kids were anxious to jump in the pool in the backyard after school. :)

I got both of my garages cleaned out this week, and ready to go for winter. I also have been working at the preschool getting ready for school to start. Always a busy busy bee chasing and keeping up with my peeps, runnning here, and there, manning this new house, and now being independent... Never a dull moment in my life.. lol

This weekend I just plan on hanging out at home. The kids are with Kurt at the cabin, so I am hoping they get one last nice weekend at the lake.

Have a good one

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