Got good report from my doctor today. No fluid accumulation. Yes the pocket of fluid is still there, and yes, if I were to go to the doctor every night at bedtime, there would be bucket loads to drain, but because my body is doing such a good job of absorbing it while I sleep, I am in the clear. I am so sure that sentence is a very long run onnnnnn... lol
Anyhow, camper is packed, life is good, and I am heading to the tub for one last escape before we leave. Only thing I hate about camping is community showers.. Oh the joys of roughing it.
This will be my last post until after August 10th.
Enjoy what's left of summer, and take care
The Kochers
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
8 Awsome years!!!
Alot has happened over the course of the last 8 years. I have three beautiful children, a nice home, a good job, and of course a great husband. Yesterday Kurt and I celebrated 8 wonderful years of marriage. We escaped to Minot for our first date since my surgery, which was 8 weeks ago.
Although not the most romantic of get aways for our anniversary, it was a nice quiet, quality day of just Kurt & I. We did fun things at the fair like eating food from all of the different food places. Who knew deep fried Oreos could taste so good, or prayline dipped sunflower seeds, We also stopped at a booth and had a charictature drawn of ourselves. It was rather humerous. lol We ended the evening with supper at Ruby Tuesdays. Kurt had the 12oz Ribeye, and I had the grilled tilapia with cajun spices. It was so nice to be able to eat at a restaurant and not have to run to the bathroom, or clean up kid messes. It really was nice.
In 2011, Kurt I I will be celebrating our 10yr anniversary. We have made it our goal to renew our vowes with our very closest friends in Hawaii. This gives us 2 years to save and plan. While two years may sound like a long time, I have a feeling it will be here before we both know it. Lord knows, it is hard to believe that I have been done with college and back in Crosby for 8yrs now. Man, time flys when you are having fun. lol
Yesterday also marked 8 weeks post op for my surgery. While the scale still shows a shocking 180, I have decided it is best to ignore that until all of the fluid and swelling go down. Could take months. So frustrating.
Tomorrow, I return once again to Williston to have Dr. Kemp drain the pouch of fluid off of my back. Our family is leaving for the Dells on Friday for 10days, so hopefully I will be able to make it the full 10days without having to have it drained. I am so looking forward to "escaping" with the family. We are going to head to Aberdeen, SD and take in Story Book Land, then head to my dad's in Lacross, Wi, then straight to the Dells to camp at Yogy Bear. Should be fun. The kids are really excited. Kurt and the kids are outside, as I speak, getting the old camper ready.
Was just informed that the mother board is gone in my lap top, so will have to wait until the computer guy can get a new one before I have my pictures back. If there is one thing that I have learned, it is back up all of your important pictures etc, because you never know when your computer can crash. uggg
Well, life is good, and the family is great. Wish us well on our vacation.
The Kochers
Although not the most romantic of get aways for our anniversary, it was a nice quiet, quality day of just Kurt & I. We did fun things at the fair like eating food from all of the different food places. Who knew deep fried Oreos could taste so good, or prayline dipped sunflower seeds, We also stopped at a booth and had a charictature drawn of ourselves. It was rather humerous. lol We ended the evening with supper at Ruby Tuesdays. Kurt had the 12oz Ribeye, and I had the grilled tilapia with cajun spices. It was so nice to be able to eat at a restaurant and not have to run to the bathroom, or clean up kid messes. It really was nice.
In 2011, Kurt I I will be celebrating our 10yr anniversary. We have made it our goal to renew our vowes with our very closest friends in Hawaii. This gives us 2 years to save and plan. While two years may sound like a long time, I have a feeling it will be here before we both know it. Lord knows, it is hard to believe that I have been done with college and back in Crosby for 8yrs now. Man, time flys when you are having fun. lol
Yesterday also marked 8 weeks post op for my surgery. While the scale still shows a shocking 180, I have decided it is best to ignore that until all of the fluid and swelling go down. Could take months. So frustrating.
Tomorrow, I return once again to Williston to have Dr. Kemp drain the pouch of fluid off of my back. Our family is leaving for the Dells on Friday for 10days, so hopefully I will be able to make it the full 10days without having to have it drained. I am so looking forward to "escaping" with the family. We are going to head to Aberdeen, SD and take in Story Book Land, then head to my dad's in Lacross, Wi, then straight to the Dells to camp at Yogy Bear. Should be fun. The kids are really excited. Kurt and the kids are outside, as I speak, getting the old camper ready.
Was just informed that the mother board is gone in my lap top, so will have to wait until the computer guy can get a new one before I have my pictures back. If there is one thing that I have learned, it is back up all of your important pictures etc, because you never know when your computer can crash. uggg
Well, life is good, and the family is great. Wish us well on our vacation.
The Kochers
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
One step forward, two steps back
Over the course of the last 3-4 weeks, things have gone up and down in my recovery. My better parts of the day are usually the morning, but by around 3-4 oclock, I am generally pretty exhausted. By 6, I am usually ready for a nap and then by around 9, I have so much pain, that I am up until around 1.
Right now the biggest problem is that accumulation of fluid on my right side. I went to Bismarck Monday, and they once gain drained another 170cc's off. Insisting that I go to Bismarck again on Wednesday, I have opted to see if my Dr. in Williston can go ahead and do the procedure. I really dont want to be driving to Bismarck 2 times a week to have the liquid taken off. My only other option is to have another drain sewn in. One quick cut, tube inserted, and away I go. Fluid drains into the ball, I empty it. Easy right? In a manner of speaking yes, however, if I were to choose that option, I wouldn't be able to get wet again. That means it would be back to sponge baths. The reason being that because the drain is an open incision in the body, bacteria from water can get inside of my body causing infection. Because we are planning a vacation to the water park capital of the world, Wisconsin Dells, having a drain just isn't a good idea.
Although the fluid accumulation and pain, I have been able to be a mother to my children. We have been on the go to our many fun activites. Right now, we are in our second week of swimming lessons. Bethany is in level one and is doing awsome. Grant and Micaela are in level 2 and really enjoy the water. Grant just started basketball camp this week, so has been up and out of the house by 8:00. He is usually done around 10 just in time for a quick snack before swimming lessons.
Our afternoons have been spent at the pool. I am still pretty causious about getting to the water because of the many kids swimming around and playing games. I still feel as though I could break in half at any moment, so stay clear of activites that could bump me. I did hop in for a quick moment to cool off, but that is the extent of my swimming. Trust me, when next summer roles around, the water is where you will find me. :)
Next week Grant has cub scout camp at Spring Brook lake in Williston, so that will be exciting for him. Kurt & I will finally be able to escape for our 1st official day away date in 2 months. The State Fair is in Minot on Tuesday July 28th, so that is where we will be. The 28th also marks our 8 year anniversary, so I am excited.
So nice to have a few days of nice weather. July is usually so hot my AC runs all day. Have hardly had to run it this summer. As I glance over to the calendar, it is sad to say that school is a mear month away.. uggg..... Grant will be going into the 1st grade, and Micaela Kindergarten. That leaves me and Bethany home alone for 2 whole years. Boy will Bethany miss her sister. :)
1 week until we leave for the Dells on vacation. Can't wait...
Computer guy called and my cord is broken, so as soon as he gets the part, I will have my computer with pictures back...
Just got home from Williston, and Dr. Kemp was able to do my draining procedure. No trip to Bismarck. HURRAY!!!!! He was very amazed on my "new body," and filled me full of compliments that have me glowing. Even his intern and nurse couldn't believe it. Really made my day.
Enjoy the rest of the week
Right now the biggest problem is that accumulation of fluid on my right side. I went to Bismarck Monday, and they once gain drained another 170cc's off. Insisting that I go to Bismarck again on Wednesday, I have opted to see if my Dr. in Williston can go ahead and do the procedure. I really dont want to be driving to Bismarck 2 times a week to have the liquid taken off. My only other option is to have another drain sewn in. One quick cut, tube inserted, and away I go. Fluid drains into the ball, I empty it. Easy right? In a manner of speaking yes, however, if I were to choose that option, I wouldn't be able to get wet again. That means it would be back to sponge baths. The reason being that because the drain is an open incision in the body, bacteria from water can get inside of my body causing infection. Because we are planning a vacation to the water park capital of the world, Wisconsin Dells, having a drain just isn't a good idea.
Although the fluid accumulation and pain, I have been able to be a mother to my children. We have been on the go to our many fun activites. Right now, we are in our second week of swimming lessons. Bethany is in level one and is doing awsome. Grant and Micaela are in level 2 and really enjoy the water. Grant just started basketball camp this week, so has been up and out of the house by 8:00. He is usually done around 10 just in time for a quick snack before swimming lessons.
Our afternoons have been spent at the pool. I am still pretty causious about getting to the water because of the many kids swimming around and playing games. I still feel as though I could break in half at any moment, so stay clear of activites that could bump me. I did hop in for a quick moment to cool off, but that is the extent of my swimming. Trust me, when next summer roles around, the water is where you will find me. :)
Next week Grant has cub scout camp at Spring Brook lake in Williston, so that will be exciting for him. Kurt & I will finally be able to escape for our 1st official day away date in 2 months. The State Fair is in Minot on Tuesday July 28th, so that is where we will be. The 28th also marks our 8 year anniversary, so I am excited.
So nice to have a few days of nice weather. July is usually so hot my AC runs all day. Have hardly had to run it this summer. As I glance over to the calendar, it is sad to say that school is a mear month away.. uggg..... Grant will be going into the 1st grade, and Micaela Kindergarten. That leaves me and Bethany home alone for 2 whole years. Boy will Bethany miss her sister. :)
1 week until we leave for the Dells on vacation. Can't wait...
Computer guy called and my cord is broken, so as soon as he gets the part, I will have my computer with pictures back...
Just got home from Williston, and Dr. Kemp was able to do my draining procedure. No trip to Bismarck. HURRAY!!!!! He was very amazed on my "new body," and filled me full of compliments that have me glowing. Even his intern and nurse couldn't believe it. Really made my day.
Enjoy the rest of the week
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Ups and Downs
Last weekend was yet another fun Kocher family weekend. Friday was a rest and relaxation day. We took full advanatage of beautiful weather and were able to have a nice evening around the fire. The kids love marshmellows, and no better place to have marshmellows than around the fire.. yummooooo
Saturday morning, we got up early and drove to Williston for a morning of garage sailing. We hit the mother load at sales.. Our special find was the 12ft water tramp for onlly $150.00 bucks. Now for those of you who dont know what that is, it is a large tampoline that is inflatable, and sits on the water. They retail for close to $500 bucks, so we were so excited. Family before us, whom obviously had money, bought it for the 4th of July, and then didn't need it anymore. Made our kids so happy. I cant wait until next summer when I get to give it a try. Unfortunitally I have many pictures, but my computer is still in the shop, so no pictures for now. Sorry...
Sunday, I got up early and headed to Bismarck for my Monday morning 6 week check up with Dr. Becker. Appoinment was going well until Dr. Becker found the accumilation of fluid in my back.
Right now, I have a water balloon type accumulation of fluid on the right side of my back. It was quite a feeling around game to find the accumluation, but after we found it, it had to be drained.
Dr. Becker took 170cc's of fluid or better understood, 6 ounces of fluid, out of my back. He really had been focusing on the front of my body until I had mentioned that my back floated when I was in the tub. I felt so stupid saying that outloud, but as soon as I did, he knew.
Draining it was rather quick and easy, but I will have to return to Bismarck again next Monday to have it drained again. The problem really isn't the draining it, it is the traveling in the car for 4hrs. Sitting in the seat and putting pressure on that pouch of fluid gets really uncomfortable and causes me pain. Kurt could hardley get me into bed last night when I got home from Bismarck. Couldnt sleep on my back or right side, and my left side still has incisional pain, so it was a rough night.. uggg
Dr. Becker also informed me that in 3 months, he would like me to come back and have a revision on the tummy tuck portion of my procedure. He feels that my tummy isn't as flat as it should be, so he would like to snip off one more portion of skin and pull it tighter. He says no pain involved, and that it is a quick in and out procedure, but I am leary of that. Still have to be knocked out, and still involved cutting, so we will see. It really made me feel good to know that he really takes pride in his work, and that he was displeased. So awsome that he wanted to fix it for free. I really LOVE this man. lol
Despite the pain, and minor setbacks, I think it would be fair to answer the question that people keep asking me... "Was it worth it?" I will have to say most definetly YES!!!!!!!! For me, it was like having a baby. Pain was horrific, but outcome was so awsome that you kind of forget the bad stuff. I bought my first 2 piece swim suit yesterday. Never in a million years would I have thought I could wear two pieces. I asked Kurt if he thought it was too soon, but after he saw it, I think even he was amazed. I plan on wearing it to the Dells when we go on vacation in August, so dont worry, you will get a picture. lol
The kids have just started swimming lessons, and Kurt just took Grant and Micaela to their year end t-ball tournament, so it seems just as quickely as one thing ends, another begins. Then there is basketball camp for Grant, the state fair, and well, I could go on and on. I do know that school starts in 6 weeks, so time to really start embrassing the free time we have. Hard to believe summer is almost over, and really it has only begun.
While in my healing, there have been the downs, the ups with my family have been awsome..
Take care and enjoy the rest of the summer
Saturday morning, we got up early and drove to Williston for a morning of garage sailing. We hit the mother load at sales.. Our special find was the 12ft water tramp for onlly $150.00 bucks. Now for those of you who dont know what that is, it is a large tampoline that is inflatable, and sits on the water. They retail for close to $500 bucks, so we were so excited. Family before us, whom obviously had money, bought it for the 4th of July, and then didn't need it anymore. Made our kids so happy. I cant wait until next summer when I get to give it a try. Unfortunitally I have many pictures, but my computer is still in the shop, so no pictures for now. Sorry...
Sunday, I got up early and headed to Bismarck for my Monday morning 6 week check up with Dr. Becker. Appoinment was going well until Dr. Becker found the accumilation of fluid in my back.
Right now, I have a water balloon type accumulation of fluid on the right side of my back. It was quite a feeling around game to find the accumluation, but after we found it, it had to be drained.
Dr. Becker took 170cc's of fluid or better understood, 6 ounces of fluid, out of my back. He really had been focusing on the front of my body until I had mentioned that my back floated when I was in the tub. I felt so stupid saying that outloud, but as soon as I did, he knew.
Draining it was rather quick and easy, but I will have to return to Bismarck again next Monday to have it drained again. The problem really isn't the draining it, it is the traveling in the car for 4hrs. Sitting in the seat and putting pressure on that pouch of fluid gets really uncomfortable and causes me pain. Kurt could hardley get me into bed last night when I got home from Bismarck. Couldnt sleep on my back or right side, and my left side still has incisional pain, so it was a rough night.. uggg
Dr. Becker also informed me that in 3 months, he would like me to come back and have a revision on the tummy tuck portion of my procedure. He feels that my tummy isn't as flat as it should be, so he would like to snip off one more portion of skin and pull it tighter. He says no pain involved, and that it is a quick in and out procedure, but I am leary of that. Still have to be knocked out, and still involved cutting, so we will see. It really made me feel good to know that he really takes pride in his work, and that he was displeased. So awsome that he wanted to fix it for free. I really LOVE this man. lol
Despite the pain, and minor setbacks, I think it would be fair to answer the question that people keep asking me... "Was it worth it?" I will have to say most definetly YES!!!!!!!! For me, it was like having a baby. Pain was horrific, but outcome was so awsome that you kind of forget the bad stuff. I bought my first 2 piece swim suit yesterday. Never in a million years would I have thought I could wear two pieces. I asked Kurt if he thought it was too soon, but after he saw it, I think even he was amazed. I plan on wearing it to the Dells when we go on vacation in August, so dont worry, you will get a picture. lol
The kids have just started swimming lessons, and Kurt just took Grant and Micaela to their year end t-ball tournament, so it seems just as quickely as one thing ends, another begins. Then there is basketball camp for Grant, the state fair, and well, I could go on and on. I do know that school starts in 6 weeks, so time to really start embrassing the free time we have. Hard to believe summer is almost over, and really it has only begun.
While in my healing, there have been the downs, the ups with my family have been awsome..
Take care and enjoy the rest of the summer
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
4th of July Weekend
Happy 4th of JULY from the Kochers
Awaiting the parade
We Kochers love the 4th of July.
It is kind of like our summer Christmas. We like to dress the kids up in matching outfits, head to Williston for the parade & "Old Fashioned 4th of July BBQ," and then head back to the cabin for a day of fun in the sun.
I have tons more pictures of the 4th, but unfortinately while I was typing this blog this morning, my computer went dead. Kurt brought it to the computer guy, so hopefully it is only something minor.
The pictures above are of the parade and BBQ... Check back later for the rest of the pics.
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