Monday, June 29, 2009

Three week post op pictures

Here are my three week post op pictures.

I will probably just start posting them monthly once I hit 1 month post op.

Thing are healing very nicely, and I haven't had any troubles.

I did however lose my last drain last night on "accident." A little too much activity popped the stitch holding the drain, and it came out on its own. I called Dr. Becker this morning, and his advice was to just watch for an accumilation of fluid. If that should happen, I will have to find a doctor locally to drain it. ugggg. What a thought. For now, I am hopeful that I am lucky and my body will absorb it. Say a little prayer for me. :)

Kocher Family Fun

Wednesday started our long weekend, as we went and watched the kids at their t-ball games. Kurt is coaching the kids, and they absolutely love to play.

On Thursday, Kurt headed to Devils Lake and then to Fargo for a seminar, so I took the kids over to Watford City to their children's park and pool. The kids had an asbolute blast, and the weather actually made it feel like summer. A hot 90 degrees made the afternoon fun.

Friday night, Kurt returned home so that we could go to the Williston fair on Saturday. Grant and Micaela are no longer "babys," and found it quite fun to ride the bigger rides, Bethany on the other hand, was still quite happy to ride the horses, and cars.

Waiting in line for tickets

Grant's 1st big boy ride

Up, up she goes in the helicopters

Round and round she goes

Grant and Micaela on the swings

Fun on the roller coaster

Rainbow over lake following rain shower Friday night

Lazy Sunday fishing on the pontoon

Daddy Fishing
Things have been going absolutely wonderful here at the Kochers'. I am feeling almost my old healthy self, and summer has arrived, so we are able to be outside enjoying life.
Enjoy the pictures

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

More Pictures

2 week post op pictures

Fun at the beach

Daddy's Girl


Happy Fathers Day Kurt!

New Swim Suit

30th bday, 2 week post op apt, Fathers Day

Fathers Day 2009

Hi everbody,
As I near 3 weeks post op, I realize that I haven't posted 2 week post op pictures yet. Things have been super crazy with my birthday, fathers day, etc.

Last week I started the week being 30. My birthday was June 13th, and while, it wasn't exactly the 30th bday I had dreamed of, it was nice. Brad and Chalsey came down from Esteven for a BBQ and cake, and Ralf and Michelle were kind enough to stop by with cheesecake, my favorite.

On Wednesday evening Chalsey and I left for Bismarck for my 2 week check up. It worked out nice that she too had an appointment, so I got a ride, and good company. :)

I got very good reports. The doctor gave me the go ahead to take a shower. I was extatic. You really dont realize how much we take things like taking a shower for granted. It isnt until you arent able to take one or wash your hair, that you realize how good we have it. Thanks to Kurt for the many sponge baths, and for Chalsey for renting the handicapped room, so she could wash my hair. Thank you Chalsey!

While at my appointment they were able to remove 2 more drains, so now I am left with only one. I really didn't like leaving the house with all of the drains, because I looked like something out of Star Wars, so I am excited to only have 1 left.

The incisions have closed nicely, and now we wait for the swelling to go down. My back is still very swullen. If you were to feel it, it is like feeling a water bed. Very squishy and uneven. Could take months for this swelling to go down. Hard to go into surgery and have 10.5lbs of skin removed, and leave the hospital 20lbs heavier. Stay off the scale, that is my motto.

While in Bismarck, I did a bit of shopping. All of my clothes were falling off of my body, so I picked up a few outfits, and a couple of swin suits. Right now, even with the swelling and wearing the binder, I have dropped 2 pant sizes. The swin suit I bought was a size 8/10, which for me is amazing. Just 3 years ago, I was a size 26/28. Goes to show you what a lot of hard work, and dedication to your health and body can do for you.

Friday was my first day of venturing out of the house. Kurt and I took the kids down to the Crosby fair to let the kids jump on the blow up toys. Grant was more excited by the fact that he made 9$ on fair projects submitted for 4H. Grant helped make his own pajama pants, a door knob decoration, and ants on a log. What oh what, will he do with his earnings???

That evening, we left for the caben for a fun filled Fathers Day weekend. We went boating, fishing, swimming, had a fire, and BBQ some good food. Topped it all off with a good old DQ Fathers Day cake. It was a very nice day, and Kurt deserved it all. He is a wonderful father, and the kids adore him.

I hope everybody had a nice Fathers Day. The weather is supposed to get nice now, so we will be spending more time at the lake. I am still not moving as quick as I would like, but I have to remind myself that I am only 3 weeks out. I am content to sit on the beach for now and watch, but man watch out, because as soon as I am able, I will be running toward the lake, and pool.

Anjelika :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

One week post op pictures

Here are the pictures of 1 week following surgery. Been kind of hard to see what was going on because of all of the bandages, but they are all off now. I will will continue wearing the binder for support, so that helps a great deal.

The scars are pretty bad, but should disappear over time. The ones in the back look especially confussing. I will have to ask what the reasoning behind them was.
Yes, things are looking flatter, but man the pain hasn't gotten any less. It was like, Ok Kurt take the picture, hurry... cry cry, get the binder back on NOW.........
No Pain NO gain, I guess....

Trip to Bismarck

I have to be perfectly honest. Yesterday's trip to Bismarck & back about killed me. 8hrs of driving for a 15 min appointment was just absolutely rediculious. I had been very pleased with the service at Dr. Becker's clinic, but yesterday felt just like a number. Granted I only saw his nurse PA, but she could have cared less. I could barely walk, could hardly sit, and she just says, "Take the binder off, and wait for me." um ya, NO... I cant take the binder off, and the 2 times Kurt has taken it off, I have about passed out.

She came in, took the binder off, kept moving me up and down on this doctor chair from hell, as I just screamed from inside because of the pain. She took all the stiches out, all of the bandages off, and gave me the "dont over do it" speal.

Here are my newest rules: For the next week, again limited activity. Stay in chair as long as I can, only now at night attempt to sleep on my side in bed for atleast an hour or two, or as long as I can go. Chair after that.

No walking farther than just out to the drive way once a day for 5 weeks. I don't know how taking care of the kids is going to play into any of this, since I still cant move, but where there is a will, there is a way I guess.

Binder must come off now to let the body adjust. I know that I can only take it off while in the chair because of the extreme trama my body goes through when I take it off standing up. Should only come off about 30 min a day. Today the binder is in the wash, so I have 2 hrs of being stuck in the chair in the sitting up position. It smelt so absolutely discusting, I couldn't take it anymore. It can't be dried, so it is the air drying that takes so much time. Before I put it back on, I am going to have Kurt come in and take a few pictures. There are no bandages or anything, so you can really see the scars.

The scars on the back look horrific, and the ones in the front look nasty and butchery, but they assured me that they look "Awsome," so I am hoping and praying they get better. The cart at Walmart was full of many body creams yesterday. There was antibiotic cream, scar cream, itch cream. You name it, it was in there. The itching has just been horrible because of the healing. ugg

Sadley enough Tennille left yesterday. I just cried. She was the perfect nanny. She cooked, cleaned, did laundry, and most important played with the kids. You know, I didnt really see a lot of her because I have been so out of it on pain meds, but getting up this morning, and knowing she wasn't hear to make the house run smooth, was really hard. The kids took to her awsome, and Bethany really found comfort in her doing the "mommy" job. She just came into my room crying this morning. She wanted "her Tennille. " I felt so bad. It really ment a lot to us to have her hear, and cant wait to see her again. Amazing how awsome it is to keep a lasting friendship for 10 years. I met her in 1998 when I was in my first year of college, and she is still as loyal of a friend now, as she was then. Thank you so much my dear friend. I love you so much.

My dad is leaving tomorrow, so he is helping Kurt landscape around the back deck today. The weather is beautiful, and the kids are happy to be outside if daddy is. I a lucky to be in the bedroom reliner which overlooks the back deck. The window is open and I feel apart of the action. I love Kurt. He is so awsome!

I will try and get some new pictures posted. Right now, if you would just all say a prayer for my mother in law Barb, who is having heart surgery today, that would be great. She was having valve troubles, and they decided it was time to replace. She is out of surgery, but there is still many days of intensive care, and hospitalization to get her better. Our hearts go out to the whole family as she heals. It worked out nice that we got to see her yesterday before she went in, so we were able to wish her good luck.

Tomorrow is my 30th bday. I have always had this big idea that for my 30th, I wanted a big bash with my friends. I never really whooped it up on my 21st, so thought 30 would be a good time. Unfortunitally couldnt plan surgery for any other time, so my 30th isn't going to be the big bash, I had hoped for. Oh well, those who come to celebrate with me in my chair, are the best.. Couldn't ask for anything more right? lol

Pain meds are wearing off, and the pain of not having the binder is starting. Kurt has the fan on three with the binder drying on it, but if it doesn't get dry here soon, I pull have to put it on wet. Feeling ill.

Have a good weekend...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Binder came off

Binder came off. Refere to before pics to see how things have changed.

The Binder came off the other day, and Kurt snapped a very quick shot of how smooth things are doing under there. It will take a lot of time before the swelling goes down, and all of the liquid drains off, but I found these picture to be a fair represenation of how things are going.
Today was a very rough day. I know, I know, you want to hear things are going fantastic, so do I. I overdid it yesterday, and the pain was so bad today, I had to remain in the chair. Kurt unstrapped the binder for a bit, while I was in the chair, so that things could air out, and relax a bit. I am hoping to try that again tonight. Much safter to just open a bit in the chair vs opening while I am standing. That is just scary....
The kids had t-ball today, and Tennille is doing a wonderful job with them. So comforting to know that I can totally rely on her, and not worry about what is going on in the other room. She has been a lifesaver, and the kids absolutely love her.
My family is still morning the loss of Uncle Bruse. I was informed that the funeral may possibly be Saturday. I feel terrible not going, because there isn't a lot of family, but my mobility just wont make it possible. If all goes well on the trip to Bismarck this Thursday for my follow up, perhaps maybe, but we will just have to wait and see what happens.
The rain was very nice to have the past couple of days. Tennille was able to sneak the kids out today inbetween showers, so the kids didn't get caben feavor. So hard to entertain 3 kids in the house, when they want outside.
My dad has been doing a fantastic job of helping as well. He was so concerned with how bumpy our road was last night, that he worked hrs, and hrs smoothing it out for me. It was by far the most wonderful thing. He knows that everylittle bump about kills me, so he made a few less bumps in the road. God Bless his soul.
Well, things are going as well as they can. The kids are happy, Kurt is back to work, and me, well I am alive, and that is what matters. Just taking it one day at a time.
Take Care
The Kochers

Monday, June 8, 2009

A New Week

I have just decided to vent and move on for the week. Tomorrow marks 1 week post surgery, and 5 days home in Crosby, and to be blunt, I AM MISERABLE! Trying so hard to think of the overall outcome, because I do want it to badely, but the pain is so terrible, I can't take it anymore.

Nurse Kurt & dad had to once gain reposition the binder last night. I wish I could describe the pain & feeling when they take it off. I feel like all of my insides from bra line down, just turn to mush and fall so to speak. I don't know if it is because they pulled the muscles so tight in those areas during the abdominalplasty that when they aren't wrapped up, they get confused or what. For the 2nd time, my dad has to stand right behind me when Kurt takes the binder off, because I get physically sick. First light headed, then my eyes go shut, and bam, the feeling of intense muscle pain. It is just miserable. My body just shakes in pain until they get it back on.

Kurt removed the pain ball yesterday, because that was empty, so now I rely on nothing but Hydrocodone 10/650 to get me through. I am only allowed so many a day because of the amount of tylenal in them, so have to be careful. I take toredol in between for other pain, but man, I wish they had some kind of miracle drug that just numbed it all for like 6 weeks. hehe

I feel a bit bad, that all I have been doing is complaning, but people keep asking questions, and emailing, so I am just being honest. As of this moment, would i recommend this procedure to anybody else, NO NOT ON YOUR LIFE... Ask me in 6 months when I am wearing a cute little swim suit, and my answer may have changed, but for now, NO.

Dad has decided to stay a bit longer. Between him and my ever so wonderful college bud Tennille, I think we should all be in good hands. Kurt goes back to work today, which leaves me a bit anxious, but dad and Tennille, will do fine. Just hope I don't have to poop today. Kurt is really the only man for that job. :)

The kids are really being good. Bethany is absolutely discusted by the hanging balls sewn on to my abdoment that fill with red bloody liquid. The drains fill up several times a day to get rid of excess liquid. She always says, "mom cover those bloods, they scare me." Grant is just super helpful, and Micaela is more curious than anything. They really don't know why I have done this, or the real reason, but they know mommy wont have a rash anymore, and that works for them.

Thursday, I go to Bismarck for my one week follow up, only this time, i wont have the nice IV drugs that knocked me out for the trip on the way home. Rather dreading the whole thing all together. Ever flippen bump just hurts. I have been reasurred that after getting through all of week one and week 2, week three does go better. Please say a prayer that it does.

Now moving on from my selfishness, please say a prayer for my Mother In Law Barb. She is having some heart troubles, and will need to have a value fixed. Surgery sounds very serious, and we keep her close in our hearts.

Our hearts are also open to my mom's family, the Haibergs, as we all mourn the loss of my uncle Bruce. After a feak accident, he has lost his life, and left everbody a bit uneasy. He came for a short visit Sat night, walked up town to have a few drinks, and never came back to my mom's house. She had made up the couch, and left the light one, and he never returned. After a search, the police found that he had wondered too far North of her home, and found him frozen to death a mear block or so from her house. Such terrible news. A combination of too much to drink and having althzheimers is the cause. So sad. May he rest in peace.

Well it is nearning and my hr of pain free is now gone. Time to reposition all of the pillows and head back to bed.

Have a great week!!
The Kochers

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day By Day

Today has not been a good day. Pain ball wore wore off last night, & then I started throwing up flem. This made swallowing the big pills impossible because I kept gagging. Pain got way out of control around bed time, and I was thinking a fying pan to the head would have been nice. So Awful. Kurt was up with me a few times last night. Best to set the alarm, take a pain pill, and get up an hr later when pain is moderate,. This way I can go to the bathroom, walk around a bit, and start the process all over.

There is absolutely no way I can get out of the chair without pain meds that have been in my system for a minimum of an hr. This morning was the worse. We decided that the binder should come off during my sponge bath, so that we could check for any problems with dressings etc. Everything looks nice and clean, but the second that Binder came off, I almost passed out. The pain was excruciating, I got light headed, and I barely was able to sit down on the toilet. I kept screaming, put it back on!!!!! Thank goodness my dad is here. It was a two person job. OMG.. I think I am going to need 2 pain pills if they ever try that again.

Kurt was able to snap a couple of quick pictures, so I will try and get them loaded. Dr. Becker told me, I was going to have my own belly button, just reconstructed, but I can tell you right now, That ISNT my belly button. hehe. That is healing nice. So far, the only thing that seems to be extra nice is my butt. It is so firm, and high. WOW... Trying to smile here :)

We brought the kids home some roller blades from Bismarck this week, as a fun little gift. Everybody is doing well. Here are a few pictures..

Take care everyone



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