Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Happy Thanksgiving from the KOCHERS!!!!!!

Grant all dressed up as a Pilgrim.
He had his school play the day before, and was showing me how the pilgrims shot wild turkeys.

The table all ready for the big feast

Kurt always complains that we never have enough left overs, so this year he decided that we should make 2 turkeys.
Our oven would only hold the one 23lb Butterball we had, so Kurt decided to BBQ one as well.
I was a little leary of the idea at first, but it turned out so awsome!

The finished bird.
It was glazed with a spicy turkey rub. So Yummy!

Anjelika getting the buffet ready for the family

Grant, Micaela, Bethany and Jacob all ready to eat

Heidi and Jacob

Nana & Grandpa
This year, we had a very nice quiet "drama" free Thanksgiving.
It was so nice to come together, eat as a family, and enjoy each other's company without all of the extra drama that on occasion graces our table.
If there is one thing that I learned this year about what I am thankful for, it is the power of family.
Having grown up in what I always felt was some what of a "messed" up family, I now realize is
the only family I have.
You really have to just embrace what you do have. Yes Mom, and Les are a little off their rocker, and Heidi isn't exactly Mother Teresa, but they are mine/ours, and we love them to bits. As for the family with whom we don't see, we can only hope & pray that their thanksgivings were as special as ours, and that they realize the true meaning of Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving from the Kochers

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Tomorrow's big turkey feast gets underway at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon. Mom, Les, Heidi, & Jacob are our only guests tomorrow, so it will be a quiet family gathering.

In the 8 years that I have been married, not once have we gone any place for Thanksgiving. I think next year, we may just take a break, and head to Devils Lake to see Kurt's Mom. Don't get me wrong, I love hosting the big event, but whether 5 guests or 50 it is a lot of work. Bethany was such a good helper today. She sat at the counter all afternoon while we prepared the stuffing, got the green bean casserol made, prepared the sweet potatoes, made two salads, and made homemade pumpkin cookies.

I am just now sitting down for a minute before I have to prepare supper for tonight. :) The kids are running around the house helping. Micaela is sweeping, Grant is vacuming, and Bethany is bossing everybody around. haha

I am proud to say that my Christmas cards are done, and I will be mailing them out next week. I am on top of it this year. :) Now for the Christmas decorations. uggg :)

Happy Thanksgiving from the Kochers :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

2006 to 2009

October 28, 2006

November 14, 2009

These pictures show the dramatic change in body appearance from 2006-2009. I believe in the above picture, I might have been in that 270-280 range. Pretty sure I had lost my first 20-30lbs when I had this picture taken. Thinking back, I can remember being so happy that I had lost the little bit of weight that I had lost. I look now at the recent picture, and still can't believe that is me.
It truly is amazing how weight can add years to your life. I looked much older when I was heavy. Nice to feel young and vibrant now. :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The End is Near

I had my 5 month post op appointed, and I am happy to report that the end is near. I will be going in for Lipo on my right side in December to remove the excess fat tissue on my right side, and then I should be good to go. Kind of funny, but I am actually rather scared of this procedure. That probably sounds funny being that I had the whole body lift, but they actually do the lipo while you are awake, and I am not sure if I am up for that. Dr. Becker said you have to have a high pain tolerance for it, which I don't, but once again, I just have to keep telling myself, "NO Pain, no Gain." Right? Let's hope so. :)

While at Becker's, I inquired about doing Lipo on my "bra fat." Believe it or not but they actually call it bra fat in the brochure.. lol Anyhow, I inquired about it because everything is so nice and flat, but I have a lose overlap of skin that hangs over my bra line. Lipo can be successful, but there is no guarantee. Some people have to have it done more than once, and even then, the results aren't always what people expect. I didn't even ask about how much it cost, because I would imagine that, like everything else, it costs a fortune. The lipo on my right side is free because it is a revision done on his part, so I guess I am just thankful that is taken care of.

When it get's closer to the time, I will post a picture of my right side, and then we can compare the before and afters of Lipo. I was lucky and didn't have to have any lipo with my surgery while some people not only have the lift, but tons of lipo as well.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

5 month post op pictures

5 months post op

The scars in the front are now nicely blending into my skin. The skin/scar is becomming more even.

1 week post op compared to 5 months post op. See the difference!

The scars on the back aren't however as nicely blended as the front. They still seem to be raised above my normal skin. I have used every skin/scar cream on the market, so I am hoping that it has all helped. :)

Bethany's 4th bday

Today my "baby" Bethany turned 4.
It really is hard to believe that it has been 4 years, since we brought her home.
Believe it or not, but we still have the "It's a girl" poster hanging above her bedroom door.
Boy how time flys.......

Bethany had a huge party with family, friends, and her classmates from preschool. It was an awsome party....

Eating cake on the deck on November 8th. Told you it was an awsome day....

Pin the Tale on the Donkey. Go Grant!

Bethany's classmates

Chef apron from Grandma Barb and Grandpa Wes

Leap Frog gift from Nana and Grandpa

Gift from Mom and Dad

The excited birthday girl

Really exicted about her Dora Back pack gift

Super excited to get money...

Pinata Time

Candy time..
My kids had no idea that I took candy from each of their Halloween candy bags to fill the pinata. I filled the entire pinta, and they couldn't even tell. haha
To view more pictures of Bethany's party, you can visit me on facebook. :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween pics 2009

Star Wars Trooper Fox, Tinker Bell, and Pumpkin princess
Isn't Daddy Scary...

Tinker Bell

Pumpkin princess

Trooper Fox

Family trick or treating at Nanas

Mom and kids

Carving pumpkins

Very LONG week

This week proved to be truely a week from HELL... After the 4 day weekend of fun, the kids were pretty exhausted and had small colds. Monday, Micaela came home from school with a feaver. She felt pretty good while medicated on cold meds and motrin, but man when it wore off, she felt terrible.

That night, I woke up with a terrible headach and cough myself. Knowing that the kids were painting pumpkins in preschool, I couldn't cancel school. I just got up & put on my smiling Mrs. Kocher face, and toughed the day out. Micaela slept the day away in the friendship room at the church, and things seemed to move along.

At 3:15 Micaela and I both went to the doctor. She tested positive for Strep and I had a sinus infection. The whole plan was to go stand in line at 4:00 for the H1N1 shot, but that wasn't happening because of how sick Micaela and I were. We skipped gymnastics, and vegged the rest of the night. Go figure that Bethany would wake up sick in the middle of the night as well. Now 2 of the three kids were on cough meds. Kurt took the kids to dance to parent's night, while I slept the day away.

Micaela woke up on Thursday morning feeling good. I knew she wasn't 100 percent, but she insisted on going to school. I once again put on my happy Mrs. Kocher face and went to preschool to our annual Halloween party. Let me tell you, I was so sick and tierd after school, I could hardly move. 24 super excited kids playing games, running around, and just plain on sugar highs is enough to drive one crazy, but add a pounding headach and draining sinuses, and you have HELL.... After the morning class, Bethany told me she didnt' feel well. What do you know, she had a feaver. I took her to the doctor after school, and she had bronchidos.. I know it's spelt wrong.. Sorry

That night, Micaela once again woke up and this time she was throwing up and had a temp of 102. So much for just Strep. We are almost positive she had H1N1. She had been tested for influenza A and B on Tueday and had tested negative. Well I am sorry, but any kid who has had a feavor for almost a week with sore throat, cough, and pucking is definetely sick. No school once again for her on Friday. This broke her heart because of the fun they were having at school that day.

I went to Estevan on Friday to celebrate Chalsey's 31st bday. We had planned a Spa day, and I felt that it would be a great day to end the terrible week of sickness. I had a really hard time leaving poor Micaela and Bethany, but Kurt insisted, and I knew he could handle things. I enjoyed my 5 hours of spa bliss with Chalsey, a nice fun bday dinner & movie, and I can honestly say that was the best I had felt all week. Dont know if it was the spa or the bottle of cold medicine I had drank that day, but I was feeling pretty good. lol

Saturday we carved pumpkins, went trick or treating, and had an overall nice day. It is now Sunday, the kids are all feeling better, and I can honestly say I hope and pray this is a better week.......


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