Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dance Recital 2009

Last night's dance dress rehearsal was amazing. I am so proud of my kids. I can honestly say, last night was one of the proudest moments of my life. The kids did awsome, and Grant just melted my heart.
Las Vegas...
We aren't allowed to take pictures the night of the actual recital, so here are last night's pictures. Gosh, I hope you enjoy them. The kids did so GREAT!!!r
Micaela: Combination ballet and tap class
Recital dance- Let the Sun Shine on Vegas
Grant: Jazz class
Recital dance- We Rock from movie Camp Rock
Grant: Ballet class
Recital dance- Going to the Chapel and Wer'e Going to Get Married
Grant: Boys class
Recital dance- The Heat is On

Monday, May 25, 2009

1 Week and Counting

1 week until the big surgery. Am I excited? Yes. Am I scared? TERRIFIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont honestly think I have ever been this scared in my whole life. When the doctor says he is going to cut the whole lower portion of your abdomen off, and strech everything from my bra line down to my pelvic bone, I think I have every right to be scared ha? lol

Once again, this is what I am going to have done. The 1st procedure is called a paniculectomy. This procedure is basically to remove the excess skin that is hanging over my panis or pelvic bone. Any time a person has lost a substantial amount of weight, this can happen.

The second step will be to take that skin from my bra line to my belly button and strech that down making a nice thin even tummy. The fun starts when they pull, and strech the muscles tight so that not only the tummy is thin, but "fit" as well. That is called abdominalplasty.

Now if that doesn't sound bad enough, they are going to do this procedure 360 degress around my body. So not only will the front be firm and flat, but the back will be as well. I personally don't think I really have a lot of excess back skin or fat, but the doctor seems to think that I will be alot happier if we go all the way around. Funny thing is that all of my c-section scars will be gone, and my gall bladder scars that are currently above my belly button, will be below my belly button. Funny ha?

Now what makes this whole procedure to scary is the pain following surgary. I, myself, dont have a very big tollerance for pain, and with something this major, there is going to be pain. I am told that I will have 5 drains that will drain anywhere from 1-5 weeks. They did say that there would be a pain ball sewn into my abdomen that released pain meds into the muscle, so for the 1st three days, I should be ok.

Now onto mobility. For the 1st few weeks, I will not be able to lie flat. I will be what my friends and I have called "recliner bound". My 30th birthday is June 13th, and nothing sounds funner than being "recliner bound." If any of you get bored, stop by and sing me happy birthday. :) I guess I will always remember my 30th. lol

I am sure the big question right now is why? Let me take you back, so that you can all try and understand. In the 2nd grade, I weighed a whoppen 160lbs, that is 100lbs more than the other 2nd graders in my class. In the 5th grade, I was 260. Being luv struck and into boys in the 8th grade, I went down to 200. In 1998 following highschool graduation, I was 290lbs. God, I can't believe I said that out loud. ugggg

Over the past 6.5 years, I have gone from 310 down to 175ish. Having three children in less than 4 years really made my weight inbarable. It wasn't until a year after Bethany was born that I couldn't take it anymore, so I hit the gym, got a nutritionalsist, and lost that extra weight that was raising havic on my life.

I am very lucky to have lost my weight so slow. Some people who have gastric bypass lose an astonishing 100lbs in like 6 months and this causes severe skin problems. I am lucky having lost my weight very very slowly, but there is still lose skin, and trouble areas, that they gym just wont help.

What really was the thing that got this whole ball rolling was my third c-section. I was so large when they sewed me up, that they didn't get the muscles pulled tight, and my stomach became crooked. It is like straight, and then a dip. I really didn't care at the time, but after losing the weight, I now would like it fixed.

So with that, that is what I am going to have done. If you would like to view Dr. Beckers web site, this might help you better understand. The link goes directly to body lift, which is what I am having along with abdominalplasty.

I am going to post my before pictures this week, so you will want to check back for those. Yes, I will try and post some pictures following surgery. All depends on how I can move around.

I just ask that you all say a prayer for me and my family. The 1st 2 weeks will be the toughest, and I will need a lot of help. My dad is comming for a week, my best friend from college will be here the 2nd week, and than hopefully it will all go down hill from there.

My thyroid biopsy results will also be in next week, so there is lots to pray for.

Take Care
Anjelika :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Preschool and Kindergarten Graduation

The past two weeks have been very hectic, but sadley the craziness hasn't even begun.

Tuesday, I went for my pre-operation physical with Dr. Kemp in Williston. He gave me a clean bill of health, so I can carry through with my big surgery on June 2nd.

Wednesday, we were up early for Grant's Kindergarten graduation. The ceremony was so cute. The two classes did little fairy tale skits, as well as, sang some cute songs. Kurt's only request was that Grant dress in a suit and tie. He looked so adorable, but really made me realize that he is growing up. SNIFF... SNIFF.... Where have the last 6.5 years gone??? He is growing up too fast!

After graduation, we had a nice lunch and cake for our families. It was a very simple lunch, but Grant was so proud to have graduated, that was all that mattered.

After the company left, the race was on to get both Grant and Micaela's makeup done for dance pictures. The 1st year I did it, I was terrified. So many things to learn about dance makeup. Now, I am happy to report that I feel like a pro. Things went very smoothly. Pictures started at 2:45 and went until 8:30 that night. We would run to pictures, then run back to the studio for dance, and back and forth all evening. It was crazy, but we made it
Thursday we were out the door by 7:30 for Bismarck for my thyroid biopsy. Kurt came to the procedure with me, and Ashleigh took the kids for pizza and to the park. It worked out quite nice. The biopsy itself went rather well, but I was sick in bed the remainder of the day. Kurt took the kids swimming and to supper, so they had fun while I slept. Results should be in within 2 weeks, so we are anxiously awaiting to hear back from them.

Friday, we all did some shopping, and garage saling. It was just a day to do whatever. We had fun.

Saturday, we got up early to go to garage sales, but we were very disappointed. You would think that a city as large as Bismarck would have good sales. Sadley, they had hardly any. We hit a few, and shopped a little more, and then headed home.

Tomorrow morning, we are heading to the cabin for the remainder of the weekend. Tuesday, I have to get my flowers planted in the ground, and the rest of the week is busy with dance. Wednesday dance class, Thursday lessons on stage, Friday dress rehearsal, and Saturday is the big show. Sunday we get our lives straightened out, and Monday night we leave for Bismarck for my surgery.. RUN RUN RUN. I should be back home by the 3rd, and then I start my 2-4 week journey of being recliner bound. A long recovery, but well worth it. :)

We must not forget that Micaela graduated from preschool last week as well. She attended 2 years of preschool with mom, and it is now on to Kindergarten. GOOD JOB MICAELA!
Ashleigh on the other hand just graduated with her associates degree from BSC, and has decided to finish her nursing degree in Williston. She will work the next couple of weeks in Bismarck, and then head to Williston. It will be nice to have her closer to home.

Enjoy the pictures :)

Friday, May 15, 2009


Today marks the last quiet day around here until June 2nd. Tomorrow Kurt and I go to Minot for our "Secret" day away. This will get everybody thinking. lol

Sunday we have to get the yard and house clean and ready for Kindergarten Graduation.

Monday clean, clean, clean.. Grant has dance in the evening

Tuesday, I have my pre op appointment in Williston with Dr. Kemp. This is just a pre op physical that gives me the green light for my surgery on June 2nd.

Wednesday we have Kindergarten graduation at 9:15 a.m. with cake and food to follow at our house. Then it is a mad dash to Estevan to start a long full day of dance photos, and regular dance classes. 1st round of pictures at 2:45, and last set at 8:30 at night. Going to be a long day.

Thursday we have to be in Bismarck for my thyroid biopsy by 12:30

Friday, we help Ashleigh move into her new apartment

Saturday we are heading to the lake for a couple days of quiet

Monday, Chasley and I are going to try and escape one last time before I become recliner bound after my surgery.

Tuesday will be a catch up day

Wednesday dance

Thursday the kids have lessons on stage in Estevan, so we have yet a nother trip to Estevan.

Friday is dress rehearsal in Estevan, and last but not least...

Saturday we have performance 1 at 3:00 our time, and performance 2 at 8:00p.m.

Sunday pack and prepare for surgery

Monday my dad and Ashleigh arrive to take care of kids

Tuesday June 2nd we are in Bismarck and ready for the BIG DAY!!!!!!

As if that doesn't seem busy enough, there is always the endless everyday chores that need to be done as well. uggg

That is just a quick update of how busy things are right now. I will try and get Grant's Kindergarten graduation pictures posted as soon as I get a free moment next week. I just can't believe my "baby boy," is going to be in 1st grade next year. sniff, sniff...

Take care,

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day 2009

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY EVERY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It must be first noted, that I look like the hairy scary monster in the morning. My wonderful husband wouldn't let me take a shower to tame the frizzy mess, so I look so beautiful in these pics. lol
Mothers Day follows rather a tradition around our house. Kurt always lets me sleep in while he and the kids prepare a grand breakfest in bed for me. This years wonderful breakfast was scrambled eggs with cheese, compliments of Bethany, sausage patties fried by non other than Grant himself, toast with cheese on top, Micaela's specialty, and 2 oreo cookies.. lol
I am happy to report that other than the eggs being a little runny, and the sausage being a little crispy, the meal was fantastic. Such thoughtful and loving kids, and we mustn't forget about the fantastic husband. I couldn't be happier. Although last year's surprise of a new Honda Mini van may have been the number 1 Mothers Day ever. hehe
After breakfast, I quickely opened my wonderful gifts from the kids. Kurt sent me an amazing bouquet of lilies and spring flowers yesterday. So spoiled, I mean, loved.
Kurt, the kids, and I spent the day outside in the sun. I helped Kurt put the new trampoline together while the kids drove around in their power wheel cars. Man, sure wish I could have had one of those when I was a kid. :)

Nana and Grandpa came out around 2 and played with the kids. The girls love it when my mother sings "You are my sunshine," while they are swinging. Grant on the other played a little one on one with grandpa Les. You would have thought this boy belonged to Doug Overbo for as sports oriented as he is. We put the new basketball hoop up last week, and that is where he has been ever since. So glad he loves it!
All in all, I had a wonderful mothers day. Kurt took the kids to the movie this evening, so I could have a little "me" time to wrap up the day. I think mothers day should be more of a time for us mothers to sit and realize what it is that makes this day so special. It isnt the breakfast in bed, or the many gifts & flowers, it is the fact that we are mothers to the greatest gifts on earth, OUR KIDS!!!!!!
Happy Mothers DAY Everyone!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Life is Good

Things have been pretty uneventful around here the past few days. The weather has been nice, so the kids have been outside, and I have just been taking it easy. I started back to the gym last night after a 3 week break, and it was a lot harder getting back into it, then I thought. 3 weeks isn't very long, but when you body goes from exercising 1.5hrs a day 5 days a week to nothing, it gets a bit mad.... Trust me, I know. My legs were like Jello last night. Frustrating having to start over, but got to do, what we got to do. :)

Kurt was ever so nice to pick up a new swing set for the kids. We opted for the 8 station set that has 2 swims, glider, seasaw, stand up swing, and slide. Kids were very excited, and have been playing on it ever since. :) Thanks daddy!

The craziness of dance is now in full swing.The kids' recital is May 30th, and there is so much to do before then. We have pictures, lessons on stage, dress rehearsal, etc, etc. The list goes on, and on. It is a good thing the kids love it like they, because if they didn't, we would be "out of there. "

Kurt keeps asking me what I want for Mother's day, but I am so undecided. I thought perhaps a new recliner for the bedroom might be nice, since I won't be able to lie flat after my surgery, but there wasn't anything in town that really impressed me. Usually Kurt gets me something really nice, and then he takes the kids up town to buy my trinkety things that they pick out. They just think it is so fun, and I love all of my "fun" little treasures.

Well, life is good, and I have no complaints, so with that, I think I will sign off.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Very enjoyable weekend

Kurt & the kids just got home from Devils Lake, so my days of rest are no more. :) While it was very nice to lounge around and get caught up on housework, hearing the excitment in my kids' voices as they ran through the house yelling my name just made me so glad to have them home.

I am feeling better, and feel that the antinflamitory pills have done their job. Thank goodness for that extra bit of rest I got over the weekend.

We have project after project to get done before the 4th of June when I go in for my surgery. There is that dreaded thought of getting things ready for my spring garage sale, getting the house up to snuff for Grant's kindergarten graduation party, and the endless extra tasks to get ready for the kids' dance recital on May 30th. We have pictures, we have lessons on stage, we have dress rehearsal. It is going to be a busy month for dance, but the kids love it, and its the thrill of watching them perform on stage that just makes it all worth while.

If anybody is interested in checking out Dr. Becker's web site, they can click on the following link.

Once at his site, click on abdominal plasty, or body lift. This will kind of give you an idea of what I am going to have done.

The weather is beautiful, and spring is really here!!!! Gosh, that means its time to get outside and get those chores done!!!

Always something. :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Well Rested

Kurt was every so nice to take the kids for the weekend. He took them to Devils Lake to visit his mom and step dad Jerry. Really awsome for the kids since they dont get to see them often. I have been taking it easy and recovering from this past week's excitment. So nice to be able to sleep in and wake up to quiet.

I am just going to just take it easy and do an occasional load of laundry. Don't need to overdo it and have another lung attack.

Have a wonderful weekend


Friday, May 1, 2009

Back to the ER

Well I thought that after a nice quiet and relaxing day at home, I was going to be ok. Other than feeling tierd, I was pretty much convinced that yesterday mornings episode was a one time deal. It wasn't until 10:00 last night that I had another attack. This time, we drove straight to the ER in Williston. FYI, you don't want to hit a porcupine while driving 90....

After several tests, Xrays, and a CT can, the doctor concluded that I have Pleuritis. Pleuritis is the inflammation of the linings around the lungs. They put me on some powerful antinflamitory drugs, and Ativan to help with the panick of the attack. While these attacks can be very scary and produce heart attack/lung attack symptions, the doctor assured me that the condition isn't life threatening, and should go away. Hard to say whether or not I will have another attack, but atleast I know now that I don't have to rush to the ER.

Thanks for all of the nice words of concern that I have heard around town, and the prayers. I assure you that I am going to be just fine, it will just take some time.

Thanks again

You can visit the following website to learn more about Pleurtis:


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